Sunday, March 9, 2008

stealing pt 2

STEALING part #2 (catching the thief hidden in your heart)

Did you hear about the person who said I have to fire my maid or cleaning person because they have been stealing my holiday inn bath towels? I don’t think these people think of themselves as thieves.
Today I am going to look at some characteristists of those who are thieves. And we are going to make a simple acrostic with the word thieve.
The “T” in the word thieve is for taking any thing that is not yours no matter how insignificant Now I want you to understand that according to God the size of the item is not the issue, stealing is stealing. It’s the principal what ever is wrong is wrong, no matter how big it is or small it is. There is an important passage in Luke 16:10 that you should write down. “ He that can be trusted in the little can be trusted in the much and He that is dishonest in the little will also be dishonest in the much (DUH)

The “H” in the word thieves stands for hoarding items or supplies. You may ask how is hoarding a type of thievery. Well sense everything belongs to God, he then makes us stardards. Now think about it, if we are sturdards of God’s abundance. We are to share God ‘s abundance with other people. In 1john 3: 17 we read
He who has this material possessions and sees his brother in need, and has no pity on him, How can the Love of God be in him? So technically you are stealing from another person possessions that God has given you sturdship over.

The next letter “I” is imposing on another’s generosity. Have you noticed how you can impose on relatives who might lone something to you? Not returning items promptly or in good condition? See what it says in Psalm 37:21 The wicked borrows but does not repay, but the righteousness give generously.

Now the next letter in the4 word thieves is “E”. This stands for evading prompt payment of debits. Read proverbs 3:28 It says come back later I will give it tomorrow, when you know have it with you. An example of this is when you slide the payment of bills later and later each month. Or it could be not paying the bill at all in order to buy something else.

Now the “V” in the word thieves stands for violating a personal honor system. For example in the work place are you wasting work time which you receive payment. If you are contracted 8 hours a day are you giving your employer a full 8 hours a day.?? Do you make personal phone calls? Or walk into another person’s office and start chatting with them about non-work stuff. Like what you are going to do this weekend. If you do that then you are stealing that other persons work time. This is what I mean by “Violating a personal honor system”. Romans 13:5 says, “It is necessary to submit to the authorities not only because of possible punishment but also because of conscience. And I want to encourage you to have a conscience about the full time you have been employed to work. Give your employer every minute you are supposed to work. Another point is “ARE YOU MISUSING FUNDS” that are entrusted to you? If you were the employer if it was your store? Would you want your employee to have the same work ethic\habits as you?? It is very healthy to evaluate your work habits, to determine if you are giving what you think you are giving.

Now the 2nd “E” stands for extortion of others to save a dollar. In proverbs 22:16 it says “He who oppresses the poor to increase his riches, and he who gives gifts to the rich, both come to poverty.
What it is saying here is are you taking advantage of a person in difficulty to save a dollar? Are you oppressing some one who is poor to increase your wealth? For Christians it should be a win-win situation, it should be a good deal for both parties. Don’t take advantage of someone if that is not as intelligent as you or if an item was miss-marked. The guiding principle should be: what ever you do, it should be “right in God’s sight”. And of course another point is Don’t misrepresent the value of a product by overcharging another person.

Now the Last letter is “S” which stands for serving the God of materialism. The bible is very clear as to where are loyalty should be, where are highest loyalty should be. We read in Mathew 6:24 “No one can serve two masters, for eithe4r he will hate th3 one and love the other or else he will hold(be devoted) to the one and despise the other , you cannot serve God and money.

Now how can thievery be played out in our lives ? well robbing God of his offering, or using the kingdom of God for personal gain, do you remember one past ministry where gifts for the ministry went to an air conditioned dog house? Is it possible that God could look at you and say your life style is too extravent. If you are involved in church money/ministry money, is that money being used in a way that is right? In God’s sight. There is a personal accountability of everything that God has put into our lives, whatever gifts he has given us, whatever resources he has shared with us. There is to be personal accountability and stuardship. Now of course many people use alibis for stealing , I am just going to mention 1?.. now if I get extra money I will be able to give more to God. This may be changing the numbers on a tax form. But what is the answer.?? The answer is God doesn’t want stolen money, God wants a contrite heart. In Micah 6:6-8 we read with what shall I come before the Lord and bow down before the exhaulted God? Shall I come before him with burnt offerings? Then in verse 8 it says “He the Lord has shown you ,Oh man what is good, and what does the Lord require of you? But to do justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with they God. The key word here is to act justly, it right it steal form the Gov.?? or from your employer? God doesn’t need your money he wants your heart , a humble honest and contrite heart. That’s what will please him most.
And as believers that’s what we want to do. we want to be pleasing to our Lord Jesus Christ.

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