Monday, March 31, 2008

no 1 (one) CARES


Ephesians 4:18 being darkened in their understanding excluded from the life of God
because of the ignorance that is in them
because of the hardness of their heart

John 3:19 and men loved the darkness
rather than the light; for their deeds were evil

I saw the lighting streak across the sky
the night was blood red as the evening died.
stars were falling like the tears were cried
So i called to you Lord, called out to you

I felt the thunder beneath my feet
the earth was alive with an ancient beat
I knew the sky would be crying soon
So, i reached out to you Lord

I couldn't sleep thunder filled the air
the ground trembled as the wind howled
the night sky was all silver and gold
do you feel the darkness too ?
do you feel the dark ?

But no one cares and its useless to try
the spirt is willing but the mind loves its lies it's so sad that to live we must die
do you feel the darkness too ?
can you feel at all ?

I heard the silence speaking to me
saw the shadows hidden in the trees
felt the wind as it sang a mystery(surrounded me)
so i called to you Lord, ya i called to you

No one listens Lord an its useless to try
the spirt is willing but the mind loves its lies
it's so sad that to live we must die
Can they feel the darkness too ?
Do they feel the dark ?

How long can a fool hide inside ?
How long will that wise man speak his lies ?
How long until the spirt begins to rise ?
do you feel the darkness too,
can you feel at all ?

I reached out an felt the chill in the air
saw the darkness that had captured you
the light I saw was outside your soul
can you see in the darkness too ?
can you really see at all ?

(or ) NO 1 cares

But no one cares and its useless to try
the spirt is willing but the mind loves its lies it's so sad that to live we must die
do you feel the darkness too ?
can you feel at all ?

But you could not hear me
there was nothing to do
the lies you believed
Well, they surrounded you

you were lost
inside a twisted reality (dream)
can't you see the darkness now
can you see at all ?

You were lost so no one could reach you
darkness creep into you soul
you spent the days listening to some fool
but i reached out to you

How long can a fool hide away ?
How long will that wise man speak his lies ?
How long will darkness blind your eyes ?
Can you see in the Darkness now?
can't you see the light ?

But you couldn't hear
so there was nothing to say
the lies you believed just got in the way
the light I saw was outside your soul
So i called to you Lord

But no one listens Lord and its useless to try
the spirt is willing but the mind loves its lies
it's so true that to live we must die
they all love the darkness now ?
they embrace the dark ?

Romans 1:25
for they exchanged the truth of God for a lie
R 1:22 professing to be wise they became fools

Eph. 4: 14 for we are no longer children
tossed here an there and carried about
by every wind of doctrine, by trickery of men
by craftiness in deceitful scheming.

PST.0 CPY. WRT 4-92

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