Sunday, March 9, 2008

proverbs 23 23

PROVERBS ………..21………23………………..25

21:6 The getting of treasures by a lying tongue is a vanity tossed to and fro of them
That seeks death

I would guess that this means to be a confidence man…or a Con-man where the theft starts out as a deceptive lie. A relationship based on lying is a relationship of vanity deceiving and satisfying the soul, the mind will and emotions. Death is the end result of getting riches by a lying tongue, Romans 6:23 for the wages of sin is death.

21:14 A gift in secret pacifierth anger and a reward in the bosom strong wrath
This says if you want to influence an emotional person give them gifts; give them something else to focus on.

21:17 He that loveth pleasure shall be a poor man. He that loveth wine and oil shall not be rich.
This is two statements:
1. Pleasure seeks to fulfill itself. and
2. 2. The results of being driven by pleasure.
3. The end result is like an alcoholic or any addict when the desire for pleasure is dominate then it costs money and it will enslave you

21:20 There is treasure to be desired and oil in the dwelling of the wise but a foolish man spendth it up.

This is a comparison of being wise “Vs” foolish and the wise is always the winner.
The wise saves up or hoards his treasure and the foolish uses it up.

23:4 Labor not to be rich; cease from thy own wisdom

The love of money is the foundation of this saying, and doing and being motivated by ones own earthly desire is the wisdom it speaks of. It is recommending choosing a different wisdom not one’s own based on our own limited experience

23:5 Will thou set thine eyes upon that which is not, for riches certainly make themselves wings they fly away as an eagle toward heaven.

Money and riches are always hard to catch and when you get close they can still fly away

23:21 For the drunkard and the glutton shall come to poverty and drowsiness shall clothe a man with rags.
The results of fulfilling the lusts of the flesh is that it will consume you it will take your fiances and your life. And if you can’t clear the fog from your mind you will be in the gutter in rags.

23:23 Buy the truth and sell it not, also wisdom and instruction and understanding
When you find the truth it cost you something so now don’t sell it for it is a foundation upon which rests wisdom, every thing else. The world will want to buy your truth and sell you theirs.
25:14 Who so boasteth himself of a false gift is like clouds and wind without rain.
Like any thing else a lie is a lie a deception is a lie and a false gift is a misrepresentation of a blessing. It is the appearance of something but it is an illusion

25:21 If thy enemy be hungry give him bread to eat, if he be thirsty give him water to drink.
This is a verse of proverbs that the apostle Paul quoted in Romans 12:19-20.. The answer is in Romans 12:21 Be not over come with evil but over come evil with good. Besides it will bug and bother your enemy immensely if you help him out in a

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