Sunday, March 9, 2008

Book Report: Money commeth

Book Report: Money commeth


Five points of the book

1. What causes money not to come

2. Seed Power and increase

3. What is God-kind prosperity

4. Claiming your rights as an Heir of God

5. Do you qualify for Divine prosperity

1A…What stops the money?
The number one reason for negitive prosperity is Failing to Tithe. matth 9:29 Jesus says it is according to your faith..Well that faith has to line up with the written word of God ..and malaci 3:10 has a principle of seperating a 10 percent of our fincial income to be as it is God’s. I like to think that in terms of the gross most ..that in the garden of eden there were the circle of trees were for simipilitycity sake arranges in a circle of 4, 3, 2, and with 1 in the center . This one in the center of the garden is the same one that is in the center of our being. When we are allined with the one God at our center we will be able to spread out and prosper as is depicted in Genisus 1:28 When God Blessed them and said unto them Be fruitful. And multiply and replenish the earth and subdue it and have dominion over the fish of th sea and over the fowl pfof the air and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.
When we are in correct union with the wirtten word of God we can clame the promices of God .and have a relationship that is prospeious to both because then we will function as Joint-ehirs with God.
But the Devil will speak to us as in the garden with our parents..”has God said this??” He will tell you that it has passed away with the old covenent and now you can just claim..the promices ..with out the covenant requuirements. So, one of the clues to hearing the difference between the vocie of God and the voice of the DE-vil is that God dosent change his mind..and the DE-vil will tell you that you can have prosperiey withouta relationship.
When prosperity doesn’t come we need to check the foundation of the belief and function of our covenant. Small thinking will cause money not to come . There is a poverty spirit that has gotten into the cuurch. It s an old stingy tight spirit and it haseffected peoples feelings. But Ephesians 3:20No to him who is able to do excedding abundently above all we ask or think.. according to the power (dumus ) miracle working power that worketh(energy = nergayiea) . With out the relationship the power is diminished out from under the covenant of God we gain the curssing of God Dutermony 28 the promices of blessings for obedience…, and promices of curses for disobedience.

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