Sunday, March 9, 2008

once saved


Eternal assurance..Eternal security You can be sure.. Romans 8:28-31 FEB-18-1999
You can be sure of Gods foreknowledge of your salvation, you can be sure of your predestination to be just like the Lord Jesus Christ, I will tell you what else you can be sure of you can be sure that God has called you to salvation. You know some people get the idea that God calls some people and doesn’t call other people, now I want to tell you, look in this passage of scripture, the bible says, for whom he did for know then whom he did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his son, that he (god’s son) might be the first born of many brethren.
Verse; 30 moreover whom he did predestinate them he also called and whom he called them he also justified and whom he justified them he also glorified.

Now what is the calling, how does god call you to be saved? , Well god calls you to be saved by the gospel, it’s the preaching of the gospel that is god’s call. Let me give you an example 2 Thessionies 2; 13-14
But we are bound to give thinks always to God for you brethren beloved of the Lord because God hath from the beginning chosen you (what do you mean I thought I chose him? No you only chose him because he chose you)(God has chosen you to salvation, How did he do it? Watch it), no he chose you to salvation (How?) through sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the truth. The Spirit brought you unto conviction and you believed the truth. Those who are the chosen are those who believe the truth, listen to it. How did you get to hear the truth? Verse 14.. Where unto he called you by our gospel, (Paul said the way you were called was when I preached the gospel). Now I am preaching the gospel today and God is calling you to salvation. And it’s such a wonderful calling because you see it’s not just a preacher preaching it’s the sanctification of the spirit. I can’t open blind eyes. A man needs more then light to see he needs sight. I can preach the light but God has to give the sight. He needs more than words to be saved he needs hearing, God can make the blind to hear and the deaf to hear and salvation is the miracle that God works when the Gospel of Jesus Christ is preached that is God calling people. Some people have a doctrine that they call irresistible grace, that is God only chooses some to be saved and then when God chooses an individual they can’t help to come. Yes they can help to come, and refuse can spurn the call of God it’s his privilege. But God gave you a will and he is not going to over ride you will. If God over rode your will you couldn’t be a human being. God could have no more fellowship with you then he could with a robot. Now listen Stephen said to those just before they were going to stone him (Acts 7:51) he said “you stiff necked and uncircumcised in the heart and ears ye do always resist the Holy Ghost: as your fathers did so do you.”
You see you can always resist the Holy Ghost, that’s why the bible says in Hebrews; To day if you hear don’t harden your heart. God is calling you today in this message, and you can say no to him or you can say yes to him and God is not going to over ride your will. But you have the dubious privilege of saying no to him, now he doesn’t want you to say no to him, he want’s you to say yes, but if you don’t want him he is not going to force himself upon you. Forced Love is a contradiction in terms, if you don’t choose to love God it’s not love at all.

C.S. Louis was a brilliant man and he said all of life is made up of 2 types of persons. There are those who follow Satan they are like Satan, go to Isaiah chapter 4 where Satan is in rebellion against God, he was a glorious angel. Lucifer the son of the morning, became Satan the father of the night, he rebelled against God and 5 times the verse says I Will .. I will exhault my self above the stars of God. I will be like the most high. I will ..I will..I will. What Lucifer was saying to God the Father was not your will but mine be done. Now there are a lot of people here like that today.. They won’t give their hearts to Jesus. They hear the gospel but they say. It’s my life and I will do with it what I want, I am not going to yield to his Lordship I am not going to give my self to him, let my will be done. Now you may not have played it that way. It may be more self-conscious.

Now C.S. Louis said there are another category of persons who say as Jesus said in the Garden of Getsemeny. Not my will be done, but thine be done. Jesus not thy will but my will be done. I submit to you that you are in one of those 2 categories. You are either saying yes to self and no to God or no to self and yes to God. Either you are a follower of Satan or a follower of Jesus. Then Louis said this penetratingly to the former group those who say with Satan to all mighty God. Not thy will by my will be done. When that man finally drops into hell god will say not my will by thy will be done. The Lord God is not willing him to go to hell he is not willing that any should parish. But that all should come to repentance. But does that mean that none will parish?? Of course not.. But you can be sure that God is calling you.. Now I am gong to give you a great verse found in Revelation. Talking about God’s call to salvation. Rev 22; 17 And the Spirit and the bride say COME (who is the spirit thats the Holy Spirit) The Holy Spirit and the church is saying to you today. Come on to Jesus. ) And let him that hearth say Come. If you hear the Gospel then you need to share it. When you hear it, then you need to tell others. And let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely. That’s what motivates the evangelists; the whosoever will !! Who so ever will means let every one come, God is not willing that any one should parish, and if you drop into hell God will say not my will but yours is being done.

Now you can be sure of God foreknowledge of your salvation. You can be sure of Gods decision God’s predestination to make you like Jesus, you can be sure of God’s calling to everybody . God’s wants everybody to be saved, whosoever will come and God is saying to you today you can come and God is saying that when you do come you can be sure of your settled justification. For in Romans 8:30 More over whom he did predestinate them he also called and whom he called them he also justified (now what does it mean to be justified ? it means to be declared righteous. What is this Justification? Well go back to Romans 4:5. Now to him that worketh not but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness. That’s justification that’s what being a good boy or girl. But to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness. Put your faith where God puts your sins, god writes in his book there is a righteousness man, or girl. Not because of what we have done but because of justification. It is not just simply pardoned for our sins, pardoned doesn’t justify you, its not acquittal, if it was acquittal god would just say you aren’t guilty. NO court on earth can justify anybody, because if they pardoned you are still guilty, but you are not just serving the punishment, If he was aquatinted than he was never quilty. So there is no court on earth that can justify a person. Justification is God taking a quilty person, and not only giving that quilty person a pardon, but also making it as if that quilty person had never sinned. Making him positively totally righteousness. That’s justification. But what is the basis of this Justification look in Romans 5: 9. Much more then being now justified by his blood, (there is just one thing that justifies him) Why does the God count you righteousness because of the precious blood of the Lord Jesus Christ? He took your place he was your substitute, and by his precious shed blood we get justification. There is no Justification apart from the blood of the Lord Jesus. When God allowed his son to die on the cross that’s the basis of your justification. When you try to justify your self by your works you fling an insult into the face of all mighty God, because there is only one thing that can pay your debt. Its not your good works, it’s not your emotion, or your good looks or your manners. It is the precious blood of the Lord Jesus Christ, what can wash away my sins nothing but the blood of Jesus. What can make me whole again? Nothing but the blood of Jesus. If his good works can justify man then Calvary was the blunder of the ages. Paul said in Galatians that if righteousness came by the law then Christ has died in vain. (And whom he justified them he also glorified.)
Now how does it become effective to you?? Well Romans 5:1 Therefore being justified by faith we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. You put your faith where God put your sin, upon the Lord Jesus Christ and there you will be justified. You will be made like the Lord Jesus Christ.

Now what are the results of this justification?
Now go to Romans 4:5. But to him that worketh not but be believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly his faith is counted for righthteousness.

Even as David also describeth the blessedness of the man unto whom God imputeth righthteousness without works, saying Blessed are the whose iniquities are forgiven and whose sins are covered.

8: Blessed is the man to whom the Lord will not impute sin.

That means god will never mark sin up against your name, just as god imputed righteousness to you god will never, no will never impute sin to you. It doesn’t say blessed is the man who never sins again. Because none of us would be blessed.

When you get saved you get justified and god will never mark sin against your name. He will not impute sin to you. Then you will say well I will get saved and sin all I want to. You know I personally sin all I want to and I don’t want to. Heb 3 ? Whom the lord loves he chastens. And scourges. But god is not dealing with us as sinners he is dealing with us as sons. God is not dealing with us judgesly but paternally, he is dealing with us as a father, but the sin the sin is never marked against out name. How could it be?? Because we are predestined to be like Jesus. If you ever understand this..then you will understand what we have in the Lord Jesus Christ.

Now something else you can be sure of your eternal glorification again in Romans 8:30
More over whom he did predestinate them he also called and whom he calle4d them he also justified and who he justified them he also glorified. He says they are all ready glorified, I mean it’s a done deal. He also glorified. Why is that? How can you be sure of your eternal glorification well because god sees it as all ready done. Now you see god saw you from eternity when you were lost. god saw you hearing the gospel, he saw you getting saved, god saw you growing in Christ and he saw you all ready in heaven. See god see it all. And god sees you at the blessed feet of Jesus praising him; as the choir sings hail the matchless name of Jesus when we crown him king of king and lord of lords. That’s all ready done, it’s finished, god sees you there. Now you say Pastor I don’t understand all that, but bob once said I don’t understand electricity but I am not going to sit in the dark until I do. No you don’t have to understand it, it is the grace of God, have faith in God, he can not fail. The bible says it plainly Therefore being justified by faith we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. That doesn’t mean we are going to be perfect, but we will be on our way. We can be sure of what go will do.

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