Sunday, March 9, 2008

HOW TO TELL IF THE PERSON HAS THE Holy Spirit of God indwelling them

g.feb 10-11..getting to know the Holy Spirit

HOW TO TELL IF THE PERSON HAS THE Holy Spirit of God indwelling them

1. the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Life
2. he is the Spirit of Christ He gives us our life He Glorifies our Lord.. and by the way if you want to know if the person has the Holy/Spirit Don’t ask if they can speak with tongues. (that’s not the sign that they have the Holy Spirit ) ask if they are like Jesus.(what ever he means by that ??) are they like Jesus..!!! (does this mean healing the sick ,casting out devils, prophesying, commanding the storms and and waves , walking on water.

Well we do become like those we spend our time with the most..and those who spend time with their Best Friend the Holy Ghost should become like Jesus. Sense that is who he glorifies..

As we continue in Romans chapter 8

There are 3 references to the Holy Spirit , and he is described in 3 different ways. For example in Romans 8:2 he is \described/ he is called the Spirit of you see that?

For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death.

Here the Holy Spirit and the word spirit is Canalized in my bible ..he is called the Spirit of life, your best friend is the spirit of life. We have life by the Holy Spirit I don’t mean existence, an un-saved man has existence, he will existence forever but he doesn’t have life. John 10;10 I have come that you my have life, We receive this life by the Holy Spirit, the bible says it is the Sprit that quickens it is the Spirit that gives life.
THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN the people of the world who are religious and Christians is this.
People who are truly saved live by the impartation of life, and the unsaved live by the imitation of life. They just simply imitate the Lord, but a Christian is somebody who has received life, Jesus said in John chapter 3 “we have to be born of the Spirit” when you have life you are born literally from above, which is life , you see you can not have life apart from the Spirit of God you only have existence, and the reason that so many people are religious but lost is that they have never ever received the Pentecostal difference the Holy Spirit of God. That’s the reason the bible says in Romans 8 “if any man does not have the Spirit of Christ he is none of his” you are just dead, spiritually dead, you may have physical life, you may have emotional life, but unless the holy Spirit has come into you ,you are spiritually dead. So your best friend is called the Spirit of Life, you have life , there is no spiritual life apart from the Holy Spirit of God.
Now 2ndly he is called the Spirit of Christ, how what does he do as the Spirit of Christ? As the Spirit of Life he gives us life, as the Spirit of Christ he Glorifies our Lord, he is called the Spirit of Christ. Jesus in you who is the Holy Spirit, is the Sprit of Christ. WHAT IS HE GOING TO DO IN YOU?? When this man gets up and walks around , this man who received the Holy Spirit, Spiritually, who’s life is in him? It is the Spirit of life and the Spirit of life is the spirit of Christ, now if it is the spirit of Christ , then WHO AM I GOING TO ACT LIKE LIKE ?? IA M going to act like Christ .. the Holy Sprit just REPRODUCES Jesus Christ in me, ( there is only one person who has lived the Christian life ..his name is Jesus) and if the Christian life is lived in your house it will be the Spirit of Christ in you.. He is the one who makes Jesus Christ real in you. I mean there is no other way, other than this you would be just a cheap tin imitation of of Jesus.. ( golf as an example)…. With out training you will not play very good.. Arnold Palmer ..
If I could put Arnold Palmer in a pill.. and swallow him that every aspect of him permeates my body ..then Arnold and I could be come one…. Then it really isn’t me its Arnold in me.. is this a silly illustration??

The Apostle Paul said I am crucified with Christ never the less I live but not I but Christ lives in me, the life I now live I live by the faith in the Son of God who loved me and gave himself for me. Now the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of life, he is the Spirit of Christ , he gives up our life and he glorifies our Lord. If you want to know if the person has the holy Spirit , Don’t ask if he speaks in tongues, (what ever that means Adrian ..??)
Ask if he is like Jesus ( What does Adrian mean by this??) heal the sick , cast out devils ?? huh??
Are they like Jesus , that is the sign if a person has the Holy Spirit , Now there is a 3 re thing that your best friend does, he is called the Spirit of life , the Spirit of life , and he is also called the spirit of adoption,, Romans 8:15 you have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear, but you have received the Spirit of adoption where by we cry Abba Father.
16.And the Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit that we are the children of God.
17. and if children then heirs heirs of God and joint-heirs with Christ if so be that we suffer with him that we may be also glorified together

how he is called the Spirit of adoption, now what is adoption??. When this was written a adoption was a process in which a man would make a man a son who was someone perhaps he had sired by one of his slaves , an heir to his riches, as a son of a slave that man wouldn’t necessary be an heir, he might take another man’s son just like we do today, and adopt him into his family, this is a legal act where a man gives a son of another man and gives to him legal position, legal advantage , and legal privilege. Now Spiritually we are born into the family of God, legally we are adopted into the family of god. A man could disinherit a natural son, but he could not dis-inherit by law an adopted son. For example the way they reason that is this a natural son may be accidentally conceived, that is we didn’t mean to have a child , and I don’t want to let this child have any part of the inheritance. But when a man adopts a child he knows what he is doing legally and he locks himself in. Now what God is saying here is that we have the Holy Spirit who is the Spirit of our Adoption. Now what does he do he gives us our life, he glorifies our Lord and he gives us our legesey. (life , lord and adoption) Now the Spirit is there to a-test to what happened to you legally. For example there is a new relationship here in verse 15..abba Father the 2 words here is Aramaic our Daddy. There were plenty of people in Abraham day who would call him father Abraham , because he was a patriarch , we call him father Abraham but we don’t call him Abba Abraham just father Abraham, because we know him as the father ruler of the patriarch . But Isaac would call him Abba Abraham, or Abba Father. You see the Holy Spirit of God gives us the relationship where we can call him Abba Father..
( our dad an example) other’s would call me Mr. so an so ..
you don’t have to know how God runs this universe you can’t understand, the ways of God are so far above you as the heavens are above the earth.. But you can know him, you can know him. You see the Holy Spirit was not given to us so that we might understand him . JOB who has known the mind of the Lord who has been his counselor. But you know God by the Spirit, which shows you this new relationship this intimacy. Not only do you have a new relationship, you have a new assurance , re assurance .

Romans 8;16 The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit that we are the children of God. What does it mean that the Spirit bears witness with our spirit that we are the children of God. ????
Well in Galatians 4;6 the bible says that God has sent forth the Spirit of his son into our hearts crying Abba Father. God sent the spirit of Jesus into our hearts crying Abba Father. What was Jesus favorite name for God ?? it was Father. If the Holy Spirit is in you and the holy Spirit is the Spirit of Christ than the Holy Spirit is saying Abba Father. Now when you are saying Abba Father and he is saying Abba Father then your spirit is agreeing with his spirit. The is what he is saying the Spirit is agreeing with our spirit. This is the way you know you are saved. Our spirits become so mingled that it is one spirit addressing God. Not only do you have a new relationship , a new assurance but a new certainty of your riches for he says in verse17
If children, hen heirs, and a joint heir..share and share alike.

God has given you legally the position that Jesus has intrinsically. You have been adopted as a son of the Lord Jesus Christ. How blessed this is ..Now a man could dis-heninet a natural son but he could not dis-inherit an adopted son. So your best friend . 1.. he gives our life, because he is the spirit of life, 2 he glorifies our Lord because he is the spirit of Christ, 3 and he guarantees our legacy, because he is the Spirit of adoption. So that if any man does not have the Spirit of Christ he is none of his.

Now how do you get the Spirit of Christ ?? believe on the Lord Jesus , trust Jesus as your personal savior and Lord, repent of your sin and the Holy Spirit of God will come into you as he came into me so many years ago..

If you want to be saved and be a child of God let me help you do it now.. if you want Jesus Christ to give you life, to Glorify Jesus, and to guarantee your legacy.

Say this dear God I know that you love me I know that I am a sinner I confess I am spiritually dead and that I need life. I need to be born again. Jesus you died on the cross to take my sin you died to save me, you promised to save me if I trusted you...and I do trust you Jesus.

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