Friday, March 21, 2008

good people don't work here( for too long)

You see there really are Companies where:

"Good people don't Work here".

Half truths, misconceptions, and accusations are an effective way to control and manage people. Keep them at each other's throat (cut throat environment), keep them suspicious, keep them confused, and guarded.

The organizational structure at some companies require that "key" management personnel be skilled in the art of deceit. Deception, manipulation and its associated "skills" can be a highly desired style or "Expertise
"; but If you are not on "their" team it can be very dangerous.
When a weasel factory (snake pit) company finds a NON "YES" man, who can't do or say anything they demand because ethical or personal values; they are then no longer a "good" organizational fit, because loyalty counts for everything. Every one is"a manager" means it's ok to defraud, libel and slander co-workers because every one does it, just lie and deny it and blame it on someone else.

This thesis describes some of the covert management styles that are used in the effort to keep the workers under-control, divided and "quiet"; and its subsequent corrupt influence of the ethical morals in the Dutch Reformed Religion.

Are Companies Run By Crooks?? Of Course!! The type of individual who would "not fit into this organization" is a person who is: moral, ethical or open , honest, and genuine .

What's Good is Bad, What's Bad is Good, Who ever does the Most , does the Worst; Who ever does the Least , does the Best... These are real techniques applied at some companies. The people I worked with in Holland Michigan were "professional" church going liars,thieves & crooks, it was just part of the job description. Ethics or morality were not allowed in the work place.

Where personal loyalty is the most important commodity.

People, reality and or sound business practices take the
"back seat". Or simply put:

"If you are swimming with shark's! You had better make sure
" you are a shark " "or" "you are" going to be lunch !!!

People do the deeds of their Character that dominate their personality or satisfy their comfort. Most of will do what ever is the easiest, change, responsibility, learning can be to difficult, it takes commitment, it takes effort, it can be scary, and there may not be any
" money " in it. So why bother? For many one's "Job" is the most important item in life so in corporate life it becomes necessary to be a go-along-get-along kind-of-guy, following the values of that company.

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