Sunday, March 9, 2008

command wrote:
good morning...its 8:30 am here cold and freezing oregon..we alsohave had the coldest weather..the highways yesterday were a nightmirror.,,, 30 car pile-ups,,,15 car pile ups...
my room mate tried to get to took him 2 hours to NOT getthere...then it took him 4 hours to get gback to the house...
he never got to work....ha ..ha======================I woke up to day with the Holy Ghost teaching me on the word COMMAND in acts 1:4Jesus COMMANDED them that they should not depart from Jerusalem but wait forthe promise of the father..which saith he : Ye have heard of me...
BUT YE SHALL BE BAPTIZED WITH THE HOLY GHOST no many days from now========= =======and the word COMMANDED in calming the seas
in Luke 8: 25 "what manner of man is this for he COMMANDETH even thewinds and water and THEY OBEY HIM..
Luke 17 18..
Take heed therefore how ye hear for whatso ever hath.... to him shall begiven and who so ever hath not .....from him shall be taken even thatwhich he seemeth to have...
the Devil takes the word out of their hearts lest they should believe andbe saved...
The Greek word "Sozo" translated save or saved means to save , to makewhole, to preserve or make safe.....matth 1:21,,10;22..john3:17..acts..2;4..16;30..
So the word saved or salvation is an all comprehensive word and itincludes in itself all the benefits of the cross, the operations of thegrace of God in a believers life. Salvation includes in its scope graceelection predestination, calling forefknoledge , pardon, justification,regeneration, adoption, sanctification, preservation, and finallyperfection, glorification, and eternal life (Romans 8:27-30)
SALVATION IS A WORD which involves time past, present and future. Thebeliever has been saved, he is being saved, and he will yet be saved....
so in Luke 8 ;12... as the devil comes to take away the word out of theirhearts so they will not BELIEVE AND BE SAVED
be made whole.., to be delivered made safe..preserved fromdestruction
i have talked to many people who believe they are Christians whoDON'T BELIEVE IN
1 ..being baptized in the Holy Spirit an speak in tongues2. believe that the gifts and power of the Holy Spirit have passed away3. don't believe any one can know the mind of God4. don't believe in healing for the body or that God can heal if he want's to but God probably won't 5 . who believe their denomination is right and every one else is wrong and who don't have the power of God ..don't have the presence of God..6 .don't believe that people can have in them..or that so called Christians can and do are demon oppressed...7 fasting to energize your prayer life has pretty much passed away...8. most people pray less than one hour a week..on there own.. where as in the bible ..Philippians 4;6..but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let hour requests be made known to God9. The Calvinists are convinced that the power of the Holy Ghost passed away with the alst apostles. And because we have the written word of God we don't need the Holy Spirit.
BECAUSE we have to realize what Jesus commanded his disciples to do andbelieve.. if we don't read the bible with the understanding that Jesus isthe same and forever..we won't do and believe the wayJesus told us to do..
in the parable of the house built on the rock...
There fore whoso ever heareth these saying of mine and doeth them Iwill liken him unto a wise man which built his house upon a rock...
matth 8:26... and every one that heareth these sayings of min and doeththem not shall be likened unto a foolish man...
28..and the people were astonished at his DOCTRINE29: for he taught them as one HAVING AUTHORTY.. not as a scribe..whodidn't have authorty..
because in John 6: 63... The words that I speak unto you they are spiritand they are life..
John 7:37-38-39
If any man thirst let him come unto me and drink
MATTHEW 5:6 blessed are they which do hunger and thirst afterrighteousness for they shall be filled..
John 7:38..He that believeth on me as the scripture hath said out of hisbelly shall flow rivers of living water...
39..But this he spoke of the Holy Spirit which they that believe on himshould receive for the Holy Ghost was not yet given because that Jesuswas not yet glorified..
john 8:28-31...and when you have lifted up the son of man then shall youknow that i am he and that i do nothing of my self but as my father hathtaught me I speak these things...If you continue in my word ..THEN youare my disciples indeed
and you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free....
and if you read ACTS ...2:38----42... 1...repent2. be baptized3. receive the gift of the holy Ghost...
42; and they continued steadfastly in the apostles doctrine andfellowship and the breaking of bread and in prayers..
43 and fear came upon every soul and many wonders and signs were done bythe apostles...
now all this happened because the apostles were obedient when JesusCOMMANDED then to stay in Jweursalem and get the Baptism of the HolyGhost...
and the Holy Ghost..could now Guide them in all truth... he would speakof what he would hear...and show them things to come..
there fore they could now pray effectively...thay could go where theywere supposed to go...and do what they were supposed to do...
so gerry sue ..i am always amazed at all the people i meet who are notbaptized with the Holy Ghost ..who think they are disciples of Jesus ..andare doing his will as he commanded ..when they haven't done the first andnumber one thing..
..a persons understanding and walk as a disciple is dependent upon doingwhat the teacher says to do...
is it any wonder that so many people can't hear the voice of God??
in John 10:27 Jesus said my sheep hear my voice...
so it's up to us to do what Jesus tells us to do..what he commands us todo ..
and most people don't do the ..number one ...1st thing he commanded..
then in John 15:14 Jesus said that "Ye are my friends ..if you do whatever i COMMAND you...
Acts 17;30....And the times past of this ignorance God winked at ; butnow COMMANDETH all men every where to repent..
se e you later... paul

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