Monday, March 31, 2008

no 1 (one) CARES


Ephesians 4:18 being darkened in their understanding excluded from the life of God
because of the ignorance that is in them
because of the hardness of their heart

John 3:19 and men loved the darkness
rather than the light; for their deeds were evil

I saw the lighting streak across the sky
the night was blood red as the evening died.
stars were falling like the tears were cried
So i called to you Lord, called out to you

I felt the thunder beneath my feet
the earth was alive with an ancient beat
I knew the sky would be crying soon
So, i reached out to you Lord

I couldn't sleep thunder filled the air
the ground trembled as the wind howled
the night sky was all silver and gold
do you feel the darkness too ?
do you feel the dark ?

But no one cares and its useless to try
the spirt is willing but the mind loves its lies it's so sad that to live we must die
do you feel the darkness too ?
can you feel at all ?

I heard the silence speaking to me
saw the shadows hidden in the trees
felt the wind as it sang a mystery(surrounded me)
so i called to you Lord, ya i called to you

No one listens Lord an its useless to try
the spirt is willing but the mind loves its lies
it's so sad that to live we must die
Can they feel the darkness too ?
Do they feel the dark ?

How long can a fool hide inside ?
How long will that wise man speak his lies ?
How long until the spirt begins to rise ?
do you feel the darkness too,
can you feel at all ?

I reached out an felt the chill in the air
saw the darkness that had captured you
the light I saw was outside your soul
can you see in the darkness too ?
can you really see at all ?

(or ) NO 1 cares

But no one cares and its useless to try
the spirt is willing but the mind loves its lies it's so sad that to live we must die
do you feel the darkness too ?
can you feel at all ?

But you could not hear me
there was nothing to do
the lies you believed
Well, they surrounded you

you were lost
inside a twisted reality (dream)
can't you see the darkness now
can you see at all ?

You were lost so no one could reach you
darkness creep into you soul
you spent the days listening to some fool
but i reached out to you

How long can a fool hide away ?
How long will that wise man speak his lies ?
How long will darkness blind your eyes ?
Can you see in the Darkness now?
can't you see the light ?

But you couldn't hear
so there was nothing to say
the lies you believed just got in the way
the light I saw was outside your soul
So i called to you Lord

But no one listens Lord and its useless to try
the spirt is willing but the mind loves its lies
it's so true that to live we must die
they all love the darkness now ?
they embrace the dark ?

Romans 1:25
for they exchanged the truth of God for a lie
R 1:22 professing to be wise they became fools

Eph. 4: 14 for we are no longer children
tossed here an there and carried about
by every wind of doctrine, by trickery of men
by craftiness in deceitful scheming.

PST.0 CPY. WRT 4-92

jungle FEVER

Jungle fever heats the air,
pimps and prostitutes everywhere

Savages dancing in the streets;
it's that jungle fever it's the savage beat.

There's no training just watch T. V..
see the horror on the T. V.. screen

The clever lies and hidden deceit
the enemy is every-one you meet

Savage fever in the streets
buy some smoke.. Ya, dance the beat.

Empty eyes, hollow hearts,
sell your soul, till the emptyness starts.

Sweat-stained stink,dirty sheets,
making love to anyone she meets;

Empty eyes, hardened hearts
sell your body until emptyness starts.

Jungle fever, Jungle heat,
the price is money, what's sold is meat.

Sell your soul to feel fine,
and hope tomorrow that you ain't alive.

urban life

Jungle fever, savage beat,
buy some pussy, Ya, buy some meat.

It doesn't matter what you do
what's good is bad what's bad is you.

Jungle madness mindless glares,
drugs for feeling, but drugs don't care;

Sell your soul to feel fine
embrace the darkness an lose your mind

City prisons, everywhere,
people hidden who never cared;

Locked in--to -- houses
locked out, the care

It's a savage fever Everywhere
Everywhere Everywhere

It's in the cities across the land
A time of darkness when evil expands

Hate the light love twisted truth
what's ever easy must be good for you

Look around it's everywhere
it's so Damn thick you can cut the air

Painted smiles..empty eyes
evil loves it's many disguises

It's just a game there are no rules
if you care they call you a fool

What's good is bad what's bad is cool.
The eye's go empty as the heart grows cruel

The New Age of darkness hidden deceit;
money is power and people are meat.

Sell your soul to feel fine;
and hope tomorrow that you ain't alive
you ain't alive

Ain't alive
you just ain't alive
you ain't alive
ain't alive


Cp wrt-84-92

jungle fever

Jungle fever
heats the air,
pimps and prostitutes

Savages dancing
in the streets;
it's that jungle fever
it's the savage beat.

There's no training
just watch T. V..
see the horror on the
T. V.. screen

The clever lies
and hidden deceit
the enemy
is every-one you meet

Savage fever
in the streets
buy some smoke..
Ya, dance the beat.

Empty eyes,
hollow hearts,
sell your soul,
till the emptyness starts.

Sweat-stained stink,
dirty sheets,
making love
to anyone she meets;

Empty eyes,
hardened hearts
sell your body
until emptyness starts.

Jungle fever,
Jungle heat,
the price is money,
what's sold is meat.

Sell your soul
to feel fine,
and hope tomorrow that you ain't alive.

urban life

Jungle fever,
savage beat,
buy some pussy,
Ya, buy some meat.

It doesn't matter
what you do
what's good is bad
what's bad is you.

Jungle madness
mindless glares,
drugs for feeling,
but drugs don't care;

Sell your soul
to feel fine
embrace the darkness
an lose your mind

City prisons,
people hidden
who never cared;

Locked in--to -- houses
locked out,
the care

It's a savage fever

It's in the cities
across the land
A time of darkness
when evil expands

Hate the light
love twisted truth
what's ever easy
must be good for you

Look around
it's everywhere
it's so Damn thick
you can cut the air

Painted smiles..
empty eyes
evil loves
it's many disguises

It's just a game
there are no rules
if you care
they call you a fool

What's good is bad
what's bad is cool.
The eye's go empty
as the heart grows cruel

The New Age of darkness
hidden deceit;
money is power
and people are meat.

Sell your soul
to feel fine;
and hope tomorrow
that you ain't alive
you ain't alive

Ain't alive
you just ain't alive
you ain't alive
ain't alive


Cp wrt-84-92

monkey bulgin eye bulbs











time is fading away


I woke with in the darkness
moon light in my eyes
was it just a dream i had or did i really die ?

Looking down from high above
was this pattern in a dream
the color was fading from my mind
as this song came to me

Time is fading away
Noah knew when to build that boat
and finally sail away

No, it won't last forever
the darkness is complete
you can lead a horse to water
but you can not make him drink

there was a battle going around me
the generals fought and planned
men were going off to war
It's a patriotic game

But there is no future in the grave
when you're dead you're dead and gone
mother earth still takes you in
an a priest says your soul is saved

I was soaring high in spirt
as i looked down on this game
Death was the victor
as the darkness covered the land

Deceit and destruction
Hate takes many forms
win or lose it's all the same
when your dead your dead for sure.

Now the birds all sing at midnight
the moon shines blood red at dawn
the stars have fallen from heaven
and this is one of my songs

Time is fading away
Noah knew when to build that boat
and finally sail away
No, it won't last forever
the darkness is complete
you can lead a horse to water
but you can not make him drink

Romans 1:18 For the wrath of God is revealed
from heaven against all ungodliness
This dream was full of death and dying.
no one seemed to care
death was the only victor
ethnic hate filled the air

my spirt was soaring higher
it was clear inside that dream
the word once written down
was being fulfilled that day

Time is fading away
Noah knew when to build that boat
and finally sail away

No, it won't last forever
the darkness is complete
you can lead a horse to water
but you can not make him drink

Young men feed the earth
with their blood as they're slain
Death is the victor
no one wins this game

no one who ever plays
the game of war ever stays the same
hate is the only victor
and some priest says they are saved

My spirt was soaring higher
as the evil flowed over the land
a hundred lies prevent the truth
to bind us in darkness again

living and dying
there is no future believing a lie
the leaders speak in darkness
to bind us to their lying again

living dying
a hundred lies shadow the reasons
lying an denying
bind us to the darkness again

Time is fading away
Noah knew when
to build that boat
and finally sail away

No, it won't last forever
the darkness is complete
you can lead a horse to water
but you can not make him drink

and the unrighteousness of men,
who suppress the truth in unrighteousness.


my head was full of senseless slaughter,
hurricanes ravaged the land
the tide was rising everywhere
a world had gone insane

famine, drought, hurricanes,
earth quakes rocked the lands
time is getting shorter
an most don't understand

living & giving
is easy when your passions a flame

living or dying
it doesn't matter
when you are gone

lying & denial
bind us to the god of this season

lying or dying you are a stranger
to the darkness no more.

A sleep in the darkness
star light in my eyes
woke to the sound of thunder
woke up in the light

PST.O CPY.WRT -3-1992

Lord its been a desert

Lord it's been a desert
that i would never cross
like a ship out on an ocean
who's mast and sail were lost

But when you touched my soul
well those feelings came alive
like right before a storm
when lightening breaks the sky

It's gona a rain rain rain
on down
It's gona a rain rain rain
on down

Early in the morning
with your spirit pouring down
I think of you and i'm humbled
praising you again

Later in the evening
when the stars begin to shine
You're still with Lord
your soul touches mine




you have all the answers
and all i have is time
to find out what is happening
what is your's and what is mine

If i trust these feelings
will it lead into the light
lost before in darkness
but you reached out through the night

I've never met another like you
It's just some dream i woke up to
Nothing else has any meaning (honey) unless i am close to you

Let's plan our future close together
Let's make this Love come true
You're the one for me baby
i'll be the only one for you

RAIN ON DOWN (cont) -2

Friday, March 21, 2008



Angelina works the breakfast bar
in downtown San-Jose
where i stop in each morning
for the first cup of the day

and if she's got the time
she'll come and sit and talk with me
toss her hair and smile
that Mexiconia way

a lonely night is a bitter cold past
for a young man who's growing old fast

when we lock eyes
do you see what i see
Angelina do you ever think
about you and me

Wasn't i a sailor
and haven't i seen the world
yes i have but that don't compare
to if you were my girl

and i could tell you all the stories
except the one that's in my heart
about the man who fell in love with you
and i played the leading part

when we lock eyes
do you see what i see
Angelena do you ever think about you and me

And N00000000
I rarely do the things
that i should do
but i would for you

And though
I used to think -----------I was the only one
take it on the run

Angelina works the breakfast bar Angelina--Ballerina--Latentina
in downtown San-Jose when we lock eyes do you see what i see
where i stop in each morning Angelina do you ever think--about
for the first cup of the day You and Me-----------

and if she's got the time Angelina--Ballerina--Latentina
she'll come and sit and talk with me when we lock eyes do you see what i see
toss her hair and smile Angelina so you ever think--about --
that Mexiconia way You and me-------

journey through darkness


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her*mit 1. a person who lives by himself in a lonely or secluded spot, often from religious motives; recluse 2. a spiced cookie made with nuts and raisins.
Cookies? Well anyway, during the last year, the Pacific Mountain Pilgrimage set up shop in an imaginary Tibetan Buddhist hermit's cave. The goal was to be come isolated from civilization and to focus on matters of divine importance. To seek enlightenment. Noble intentions, right? That lasted about a week or so.

It gets [expletive] boring living in the [expletive] middle of [expletive] nowhere! Hey, we tried! Unfortunately, we'd signed a lease with no transfer clause. Not to mention that we had to pay for the whole year right up front. What are you going to do? The landlord is a lawyer too.

Truth # 329-6437:
When the enemy is ignorance,
the warrior must be a teacher.

What do you do when the lights come on and you're living in a insane asylum? What do you do when you can see the Horror right in front of your eyes, day in and day out?

What do you do when you're the Jew who doesn't just march with the herd into the waiting freight cars. When you're the Jew who says Bullshit! Getting on the train is crazy! People say: "Oy, Hymie, don't make an ass out of yourself. It's just a work camp. Get on the damn train!"

Excerpt from the book " The compassionate Beast: What science is
Discovering About the Humane Side of Humankind"

But it wasn't' all your people. It was some of them. There were people like Balwina Piecuch. Heedless of the danger to themselves, they had rescued Jews. As he spoke, Oliner realized how one-sided his lectures--and his own view--had been. There was a good side to human nature; he had to study it.
Oliner began reading about people who had rescued Jews in Nazi-occupied Europe. As a social scientist, he wanted to understand what had created the altruistic nature of these people. In 1982 , a grant from the American Jewish Committee enabled him to launch a study of the surviving rescuers.
He and his staff also interviewed 200 people from the same areas and of the same age, class and background who had done nothing to save the Jews. Then they analyzed the differences between the two groups. Among the findings, which cast light on how compassion can be built into human nature are:

*People who rescued the Jews were not particularly adventurous or self-confident; nor were they more religious than the "bystanders," as Oliner calls those who did nothing. But they were more empathetic, more caring and had a much greater sense of responsibility for others. How did the rescuers become compassionate? In part, by having lived among people who were not of their own faith and background, they had learned to see others as fellow human beings.

*The most important influences were parental: How the rescuers had been disciplined as children was crucial. The bystanders were more likely to have been beaten and abused by their parents. The rescuers parents, on the other hand, used reason to discipline, thereby instilling values as well as compassion.

*Parents behavior toward others was major influence. Kind, caring parents were the model for kind, caring children.
Oliner discovered that 500,000 Christians had risked their lives to save a million Jews from death. His work ;had other rewards: The research, intimates say helped heal Oliner. Rabbi Harold Schulweis, a close friend, says: "He found the spark of decency in human beings." At 60, Samuel Oliner is now a man at peace with the past and hopeful for the future, He says "The notion that we are each other's keepers is gaining. Maybe we've reached a point where another Holocaust is unimaginable. He pauses, then adds: "It's because of the people who cared that I'm here. There are such people in the world--and we can teach our children to be like them.."

Letters to the Editor:

Dear Pacific Northwest Pilgrimage,

It was very good to hear from you. We received your letter and the poems but to tell the truth, I had a very difficult time trying to understand it. I was able to glean a few things:
1) That you are planning on relocating .
2) That you're very negative on people. I think that negativity is a trap that it is [sic] very easy to fall into as we get older. I caution you to strive against it. People are not as bad as you paint them, even in corporate America.

A G.

Dear A G.

Whew! Shit! Here's the guy who turned me on to books like "Pigs in the Parlor, Signs wonders and Response (three days of darkness), Prophecies by Wladyslaw Biernacki, or Constance Cumbey The hidden dangers of the rainbow, and of course The Poem of the Man-God........ Now he's telling me that corporate life is normal.

What many companies are noted for are:
the wrong people in the right jobs, supra-talented people in the supra-menial jobs, and the one-dimensional types in the multiple-dimensional jobs. Management is summed up simply as "a matter of making sure everybody knows who's boss."

Authority that can not command respect by leadership dynamic or credentials or expertise often shifts to authoritarianism out of a "fear of being found out" Where abilities are lacking, insecurities evident in relationships to that, and the complexities of the organizational function too difficult to cope with, the leader often will resort to authoritarian postures in order to save what he can. Because for him to admit to limitations or incapacities for "corporate' problems is but to contradict the image.

The shape of an organization is a direct result of the administrative weakeners or strengths that were brought into it, and GOD will not perfect that which has been ignored, especially when the cure is readily accessible at the local business college.
On top of that of course is the already defined authoritarian syndrome which becomes more and more rigid as the ability to cope with corporation complexities becomes less and less.
Weakness of rank and fine can be worked out and perfected but only as there is capable leadership knowledge enough and self-experiential enough to detect them.

In an organization if you ask people how the company values them, most workers will comment along this general line: "It's a job." or "i don't think I'm really that important". All of which says that they have learned to accommodate themselves to their "value" as set by the company, or director, either directly or indirectly, which is that they are merely piece workers hung together on restrictive codes. If mediocrity is to be explained at all it has to stem from the empty "value system" of taboos and internal behavioral circumspections. An organization whose "value system" spins around negatives will find the group spitting into the the wind rather than with it.

Christian workers perhaps more then their secular counterpart are sensitive to the emergence of "false values" based on contradictory images. They have come to expect much more,. When these false values continue to go unchecked, they whittle away at the respect until the organization becomes the subject of mean, caustic jokes.
He loves paper, lots of paper
see him shuffle all day long.
He loves memo's writing memo's
that say the things that should be done.

He's got a style, and uses techniques
that a nine year old boy knows;
because he loves memo's pretty memo's
but don't ask him what to do

Don't ask him what he's doing
because he doesn't understand
He loves memo's, pretty memo's
those letters he can comprehend

He looks good on paper
Yes paper is what he knows
His clothing is from the "50's"
and Sears Roebuck is the brand.

He loves memo's lots of memo's
don't ask him what he knows
He doesn't want to hear you
and tries not to let it show

Don't tell him what is happening
He is a spineless deceitful man
Show him memo's lots of memo's
that's all he understands
1-15-1984 PST*O

...A S S H O L E M A N...






HE SEE'S THEM ALL scheming





adj. detailed, graphic, illustrative, photographic, pictorial, picturesque, vivid;
oo ocular, optic, optical.

I sat and we talked
for two hours
and he told me
all of his views.

He was looking
for a handle,
a button to push
in me.

I listened to
the words he spoke,
but I didn't believe
a word.

I've never trusted
shifty eyes,
and his eyes
were the worst.

I guess
he needed practice,
because i wasn't
conned that day

Or maybe
he was just a hack,
and didn't know what
to say.

I wonder if he
believed himself,
his eyes
were the story to me.

His eyes
were moving everywhere
it's a wonder
he could see.

So, he could have used
some training,
He could have used
some luck.

He should have stayed
somewhere else,
until he got all the bugs
worked out.

But he thought
he had it down perfect,
He thought
it was a sm-o-o-th act.

But he never tried it
on a man;
So, his story
just fell flat.

I watched his shifty eyes
moving across the room
I though to myself
"here we go"
The company store In Bloom

So, his eyes
told the story,
and his words
betrayed the plan.

He found
it wasn't working well,
this honest man.

He really should
have practiced,
maybe in front of a

He would have
learned"what to avoid"
so, he wouldn't have
sat so near.

In this World
shifty two-faced,
liars, cheats and thieves,
They're still a dime-a dozen.

ed[I'll buy the next dozen]


Peter F. Drucker in his book "The Effective Executive"
" It is the duty of the executive director to remove ruthlessly any one especially a manager who constantly or consistently fails to perform with high distinction. To let such a man stay on corrupts the others...Indeed I have never seen anyone in a job for which he was inadequate who was not slowly being destroyed by the pressure and the strain, and who did not secretly pray for deliverance. "

ed [ unless the director is a spineless liar and thief]
(yes the king really dosen't have any clothes on!!)


Have no dealings with dishonest people.
Neither their promises nor their friendship
are worth having.

Their promises are like gusts of wind,
and they do not know the meaning of friendship.

The dishonest cannot offer their honor as a bond,
because they have none to pledge;
and without a bond,
there can be no forfeit.

The name written under an agreement
counts for more than all the
legal phrases which precede it


"Perhaps you raise the question of hallucination versus the divine imagery of a genuine spiritual experience. I doubt if anyone has authoritatively defined what an hallucination really is. However, it is certain that all recipients of spiritual experiences declare for their reality. The best evidence of that reality is in the subsequent fruits. Those who receive these gifts of grace are very much changed people, almost invariably for the better. This can scarcely be said of those who hallucinate.

"Some might think me presumptuous when I say that my own experience is real. Nevertheless, I can surely report that in my own life and in the lives of countless others, the fruits of that experience have been real, and the benefactions beyond reckoning." [Talk 1960-pg 182]

Marks of the Spiritual Man.

The concept of spirituality varies among Christian groups.

In some circles the highly vocal person who talks religion continually is thought to be very spiritual' others accept noisy exuberance as a mark of spirituality. and in some churches the man who prays first, longest and loudest gets a reputation for being the most spiritual man in the assemble.
Now a vigorous testimony, frequent prayers and loud praise may be entirely consistent with spirituality, but it is important that we understand that; they do not in them selves constitute it nor prove that it is present.

True spirituality manifests itself in certain dominant desires.

These are ever-present,
deep-settled wants sufficiently powerful to motivate and control the life. For convenience sake let me number them, though I make no effort to decide the order of their importance.

1. First is the desire to be holy rather than happy. The yearning after happiness found so widely among Christians professing a superior degree of sanctity is sufficient proof that such sanctity to not indeed present. The holy spiritual man knows that God will give abundance of joy after we have become able to receive it without injury to our souls, but he does not demand it at once. John Wesley said of the members of one of the early Methodist societies that he doubted that they had been made perfect in love because they come to church to enjoy religion instead of to learn how they could become holy.

2. A man may be considered spiritual when he wants to see the honor of God advanced through his life even if it means that he himself must suffer temporary dishonor or loss. Such a man prays "Hallowed be thy name" and silently adds, "at any cost to me Lord". He lives for God's honor by a kind of spiritual reflex. Every choice involving the glory of God is for him already made before it presents itself. He does not need to debate the matter with his own heart' there is nothing to debate.
The glory of God is necessary to him' he gasps for it as a suffocating man gasps for air.
3. The spiritual man wants to carry his cross.
Many Christians accept adversity or tribulation with a sigh and call it their cross, forgetting that such things come alike to saint and sinner. The cross is that extra adversity that comes to us as a result of our obedience to Christ. This cross is not forced on us; we voluntarily take it up with full knowledge of the consequences. We choose to obey Christ and by so doing choose to carry the cross.
Carrying a cross means to be attached to the Person of Christ, committed to the Lordship of Christ and obedient to the commandments of Christ. The man who is so attached, so committed, so obedient is a spiritual man.

4. Again, a Christian is spiritual when he sees everything from God's viewpoint. The ability to weigh all things in the divine scale and place the same value upon them as God does is the mark of a Spirit-filled life.
God looks at and through at the same time . His gaze does not rest on the surface but penetrates to the true meaning of things. The carnal Christian looks at an object or a situation, but because he does not see through it he is elated or cast down by what he sees. The spiritual man is able to look through things as God looks and think of them as God thinks. He insists on seeing all things as God sees them even if it humbles him and exposes his ignorance to the point of real pain.

5. Another desire of the spiritual man is to die right rather than to live wrong. A sure mark of the mature man of God is his nonchalance about living. The earth-loving body-conscious Christian looks upon death with numb terror in his heart'" but as he goes on to live in the spiritual he becomes increasingly indifferent to the number of his years here below, and at the same time increasingly careful of the kind of life he lives while he is here. He will not purchase a few extra days of life at the cost of compromise or failure. He wants most of all to be right and he is happy to let God decide how long he shall live. He knows that he can afford to die now that he is in Christ, but he knows that he cannot afford to do wrong, and this knowledge becomes a gyroscope to stabilize his thinking and his acting.

6. The desire to see others advance at his expense is another mark of the spiritual man. He wants to see other Christians above him and is happy when they are promoted and he is overlooked. There is no envy in his heart when his brethren are honored he is pleased because such is the will of God and that will is his earthly heaven. If God is pleased, his is pleased for that reason, and if it pleases God to exalt another above him he is content to have it so.

7. The spiritual man habitually makes eternity-judgments instead of time-judgements. By faith he rises above the tug of earth and the flow of time and learns to think and feel as one who has already left the world and gone to join the innumerable company fo angels and the general assemble and church of the First-born which are written in heaven. Such a man would rather be useful than famous and would rather serve than be served.
And all this must be by the operation of the Holy Spirit within him. No man can become spiritual by himself Only the free Spirit can make a man spiritual
(that incredible Christian pg113)
A.G. thinks there is too much focus on the ninth commandment:

"thou shall not bear false witness against thy neighbor"

False speaking in any matter, every attempt or purpose to deceive our neighbor, is here included. An intention to deceive is what constitutes falsehood. By a glance of the eye, a motion of the hand, an expression of the countenance, a falsehood may be told as effectually as be words. All intentional overstatement, every hint or insinuation calculated to convey an erroneous or exaggerated impression, even the statement of facts in such a manner as to mislead, is falsehood. This precept forbids every effort to injure our neighbor's reputation by misrepresentation or evil surmising, by slander or tale bearing. Even the intentional suppression of truth, by which injury may result to others, is a violation of the Ninth Commandment.

Even though there are nine other commandments, lying is a corner stone for violating the other nine commandments.
A liar lies because it is the easiest
and most expedient thing to do. He has something to hide, or can't face the responsibility of his actions. Or to some lying is a game.

Juvenile Delinquents generally turn into Delinquent Adults !

Fre- the Punk say's "Gee isn't everybody a thief and a liar ??"
It so stunned me that all I could say was
"maybe, but some people are more committed to it then others"
Some people view stealing as their real job, and the place where they are employed is where the opportunities are.
Some background on this guy, when the year end W-2 forms came out he would comment that he made 5 or 10 thousand dollars more by cheating on his time. And lied to the National manager when he didn't want to help his partner in Texas He said his partner was milking all the jobs.
When Stan-The-Man quit went to a competitor and worked in sales. F--The-Punk started
saying that Stan-the-man was lying when he told the customers that the equipment he was selling had a performance rate that far exceeded his previous employer. This was proven true.
As a matter of fact the manufacture covertly
had someone buy the competitors equipment so
they could dissect it and determine how that manufacturer was achieving this performance.

The Co. where this improved product version
was developed and marketed was a spin-off of
T-land, they drummed out their hardworking creative people and then had to steal the good ideas back that they had originally rejected. Of Course.

F--the -Punk was just voicing what his bosses were saying of the competitors (politics). It didn't matter if it was true or not.
He was a channel, a survivor, a whore.

The next example is provided by
H-- the Blasphemer and thief
when he said "being a thief isn't called stealing " it's called "working the system " besides he wasn't as big a thief as Neu-ville.

ed. [Neu-ville a renowned Texas thief]

One of the times he bragged he was "a company man" I found out he was plotting to defraud a co-worker, and as I told him "anyone stealing twenty to thirty thousand dollars a year had damn well better be "A Company Man.!!"

He did tell me after I left that the manager
complained that I was difficult because he found it hard to pull the wool over my eyes, because "I Didn't Believe His Lies!!!

She-y the ugly slut provided a classic when she said: "Libeling and slandering people
is just called Politics".

Low-Life- La-ers asked me when I was leaving because ;

Good-People-Don't Work-Here !!
ed. [ He was right ]

"Poor little Giggie with his lame duck act, a typical "Creep" who was "a company man."
noun ass, asshole, blockhead, boor.cad, clod, cretin, dimwit,nerd, pain, jerk schlemiel, schmuck, stooge, trud, turkey,

verb coast, crawl, glide, prowl,skate, skim, skulk, slick, slither, snake, sneak, steal, wiggle, wriggle, writhe.

and dominated his behavior.

Small lies,
The Landlord where he was renting required the tenant to maintain the general upkeep of the property, mowing the lawn, raking the leaves. He gave it lip service, Or as the Landlord said "he says yes, yes it will be done but nothing is taken care of". He was not allowed to have pets, so he tried to keep his two cats hidden. He was only allowed to use part of the garage for storage, but he ignored that contract also.
They moved out on bad terms to say the least. This landlord warned me about this guy,
I understood but no one else did, or cared.

Petty Thief & stealing time,
The Company where he had worked last (Mountgumary Wards) was building a case against him because neighbors complained that his service truck was always at home. He quit that job just before the axe came down.
Do you want to see how the Holiday Inn's were decorated, and the type of towels used? Go over to little Greggie's house and take a look. Do you want to see the type of tools and equipment that was in the San Jose, and Washington Offices, visit and take a look. Four secretaries, two salesman, and myself tried to enlighten the Spineless Wonder(see definition on pg-20). But you Can't tell a DUMMY anything!!
That's why they are called DUMMYS.
Oh one more thing, the janitorial service was changed four times in the fruitless attempt to stem the tide of stealing. You just can't tell a Holland MI. Dutch boy any-thing, unless they want to hear it.

ed[Hey, ya know that commandment about
Adultery well it's pretty far down the list]

When he was having an affair with a woman out of town he decided that he would keep his current wife because she was all ready trained and under his thumb (during this time he was abusive to his wife). For a short time he and that wife lived with his Mother-in-law (two months of the first stages of Real Estate(I tried to give the manager a clue of the Real estate stuff, and when the salesman let him know that POOR LITTLE IGGIE wasn't working but selling Real Estate; The DUMMY DUTCHBOY plotted to defraud and set-up the salesman to get rid of him); any way his Mother-in-law saw through his manipulation behavior and tried to enlighten her daughter and get her to leave him. So they moved out and he convinced his wife that her mother was her enemy.
At this time also he didn't show up at work for two months, and the Dummy Dutchboy manager never knew it never guessed it.

This guy stole everything he could in the office he worked at and cast suspicion onto his co-workers. His expense reports were about a thousand times higher than similar workers.
Some of his methods were: buying a round trip airline ticket and only using half and cashing in the rest, over charging the company when taking customers to lunch, or pretending to take customers to lunch, buying tools and anything else and charging them to a job, He never had a personal gasoline bill once he was hired, checking into hotels and then checking out before staying and getting a full refund and submitting the bill for reinbursement, tires for his cars, just about anything He would brag and show me his paycheck after he padded his hours charged to a job. His daily job became not a serviceman, but a thief, his real job was to steal everything he could, or as he said I just look for the advantage in the situation.

ed [H-- the Blasphemer was doing the same thing in the San Diego office and these two
would share information on new and improved methods, as a matter of curiosity; H-- had an regular "For Sale" add in the newspaper for stuff he wanted to convert into cash ]

When I asked the manager and national manager if they ever went over expense reports, they got indignant and said:
Do You Think I Just Sign Them??
I said "YES
I am Quite Convinced That is all You Do".

After I left the New replacement National Manager said "That office stuck out like a sore thumb" and as I told him OF COURSE That was obvious to the most casual observer.

While driving to lunch with his wife on Company time, in a company rental car, under the pretense he was taking a customer to lunch. He got in an accident and claimed a back injury, so he go a few months off with pay. This enabled him to work on his car and try to sell Real Estate. He was supposed to be going to a therapist but he generally "Blew that off" There just wasn't any checks and balances, what ever he could get away with was the limit; and because of the Dutchboy Holy Roller
The Spineless Wonder Manager
" The Sky was the Limit".
Sibling and Slandering
Trying to find fault elsewhere to lay blame on his co-workers he succeeded in getting the manager to get rid of four secretaries, two salesman and one serviceman and that was only one of the offices. The Manager wanted to believed his lies. Or as the creep said

"Who ever tells Him what he want's to hear must be right, and it doesn't matter if it's true or not. You are supposed to tell him anything he wants to hear."

It doesn't matter what you do to anybody so long as you get away with it and you Make IT."

Stealing Time
He was always trying to get as many personal things done while he was as he called it "On the Company's time. His typical behavior was to show up at the office and say he was going to go work at Company "A" then go back home, he'd fill out a expense report the next day, faking the time when he was supposed to be on the job.
When he started to try break into the Real Estate business you can guess when he got most of his work done. When he wanted to get the company to sell an old service truck to him he changed the sparkplug wires around so to ran poorly, and then had a mechanic verify the it had a bad engine, but this time he didn't get away with it.( he got them to sell the old salesman car to him CHEAP by submitting a false estimate of value)

One additional item; Once there was a job in the same town that he grew up and as we drove around he pointed out the many places, and houses that he had been in. Yes, burglary, breaking in and entering, stealing what he could had long been a part of his life style and Character. This was one of the many times where he really gave-me-the-Creeps.
He was the Managers Pet.

A "Pet" Psychopath.
noun a mentally ill or unstable person

This manager had such a high need of a FALSE WITTNESS that he always protected him. As De-- the Trip stated " They like people like him".
When D--The --Trip would visit this office the punk would lie to him about his co-workers and The Trip never verified those lies.
As I said to the Trip:
"did you expect him to say that the secretary, the salesman, or the other serviceman, were complaining that He was never around, stealing everything he could, and the customers were complaining about his work???
Of course he threw suspicion on the people around him.

ed. [ the workers at the next place of his employ-
ment said "He Bragged about all the Stealing he did.]
Loyalty in this organization was demonstrated by telling the manager anything they wanted to hear, "making it hard" on someone as directed;

ed.[no concern for ones co-worker, lookout for yourself]

and with total personal loyalty to the boss.

Ideally when possible false behaviors and statements are acted on in front of other co-workers to help promote the image.

id-i-ot :
noun a feeble-minded person re- quiring complete custodial care,
oo a silly or foolish person, dim-wit who will believe anything regardless of the facts, adj. manipulative asshole who has shit for brains.

The Manager being outstanding IDIOT would call this creep up on the sly to determine what the status was at that office.

The Alcoholic salesman hit it on the head when he stated: " They are all phony "

Yes, A.G. I have certainly had the opportunity to work with a twisted, evil and corrupt group of people.

The amazing thing is:

They think they are
"Normal and Sane".

ed [ Read *People of the Lie * by
M. Scott Peck for additional info]

The list of examples are almost endless that demonstrate the absence of morals or ethics
in this group of people. As will be explained later their conscience was deadened along the way

ed.[after the 50th time lieing, cheating, stealing, and slandering someone, it gets easer]

But we know that their own medicine isn't good for them, they would be the first to complain.

At the next company people called Greggi
"A Cry Baby" [Why am I being picked on?]

As De-- the Trip said of the manager, I don't think that manager has any morals or ethics , or at least they don't weight very heavily.!!

He does what ever is the easiest " there is no right or wrong!!
and hides everything he can!!!!

Picture a society or company held together entirely by fear and greed. On the surface, manners are normally suave. Rudeness to one's superiors is suicidal; rudness to one's equals might put them on their guard before you are ready to spring the trap. For of course "Dog eat Dog" is the principle of the whole organisation.

The dutchboy Religious manager did
conspire to defraud most of the
co-workers; and if someone didn't
go along with the stories (support his lies)
he would point suspicion about them
by saying things like,

"they have a problem".

A.G. has overlooked the character
of a liar; a liar will: lie, cheat, steal, slander, murder, lead people astray,
blame it on someone else, deny it,
then lie about it.

Everyone wishes everyone else's discrediting, demotion, and ruin; everyone is an expert in the confidential report, the pretended alliance, the stab in the back. Over all this their good manners, their expressions of grave respect, their "tributes" to one another's invaluable services form a thin crust. Every now and then it gets punctured, and the scalding lava of their hatred spurts out.

Seems that ole A.G. has taken a strange tack here. I used to think that I had missed something by not moving directly from college into the weird world of neckties & suits & shoulderpads & high heels..

That is, until I got the last few jobs. Now I can see that I didn't miss anything. That I was blessed to have taken the narrow winding path instead.
My recent leap right smack into the world of mainstream has been a Piss-in-Your-Pants sort of exp.

Really! A non-stop journey through the Twilight Zone. Astonishingly illuminating. Naturally, my response has been sharp and merciless.
It takes a good grip not to get sucked into the machinery.

But anyway, Jung said if you become highly individualized
(free thinker) , you can become independent of the mass consciousness.

It is these liberated individuals- who live outside the circle of the druid dance- who sometimes change the course of human history. (the Lutheran religion started thus)

Tis the hermits and pilgrims and magicians that will save us, if anyone can.

So, A.G., this is what I think:
there are two kinds of critics. There are critics motivated by poison and insanity who criticize with the intention of causing pain (read Mein Kampf by A. Hitler);
and there are critics motivated by an intense optimism [now rare] who criticize for the sake of awakening rapture (read Island by A. Huxley).
I hallucinate that I am of the latter type. Thanks for your concern. What I'm doing is necessary to my voyage. Sorry it's so weird.

Being a Seeker-of-Truth is a difficult path to walk, people want to hear what they want to hear... and what do they want to hear?

That they are fine, good, clever, smart and successful whom we all have a great deal of respect for.
ed. [Seeking human respect can be fatal, a fatal error]

The games that people play, reinforce whatever social rules they are trying to fulfil; Whatever dream or image they are trying to promote.

Big John the Tindink early on dramatized the game of deceit at one weasel factory I worked. In the effort to hide his backstabbing and defrauding his co-workers he would say :

"Old Bob is as Smart as a Fox.

Old Bob the Original "First Ever" National Manager. You might say he was " the Godfather " of the "I Lied for You "
Good Old Boy's Club in the environmental chamber industry. So, lets take a look at his Character and the business methods he employed.

The nature of the environmental industry;
The demands and requirements of equipment performance results in:
the product shapes the character of its masters.
The industry really started to take-off and develop in the 1960's as a result of the space program. What was being sold were primarily custom made environmental test equipment, and every unit had it own particular personality or problems. The basic engineering was done on a drafting board, the final engineered product was produced on the production floor, in the their final test dept, with many setbacks and problems. As late as 1982 the industry was still taking up to a year over its given ship date to get (custom work) equipment operating and shipped to the customer. There was always a push to ship equipment prior to having all the -bugs-out to get that final payment.
It was then the responsibility of the field service dept. to satisfy the customer needs, and equipment requirements.
No- news-is-good- news!!!!
What this then did was produce an attitude of getting the customer off their backs. Get a body-over[service representive] over there to the customer's shop so they will shut up!!!

ed [customer concern was "really" about number #9 on the list, the real concern was to get that last payment]

So this pressure encouraged the "I Lied For YOU" Philosophy of management.
Good Old Bob's business philosophy as told:

"I consider it part of your job to do the final sell-off of this equipment; It doesn't matter if the equipment works right or not:

"Your job is to convince the customer
it is working correctly!!!!!!
So, of course you're going to have to lie.

The next step in this process you are supposed to tell the customer anything they want to hear(always agree with them, Yes I understand was popular.).

This means ship dates--promise anything because of the long lead time to produce the test equipment the customer will be locked in six months down the road; even if there is a drop-dead-clause (refuse to accept the order upon delivery) because they won't have the time to reorder from anyone else.

Performance--promise just about anything because it will perform at that specification sometimes "the manufacture just doesn't know when or how often."

ed. [if it doesn't work correctly

If the customer wants to verify the test results of the equipment prior to shipment that's "ok" EXCEPT how about if we just send you a copy of the doctored test results. [doesn't everybody else do the same thing??.]

Well do you get the drift??---everything is set-up for deception.

You might say that the client is:

"Someone who you get drunk so you can then find out how much money they really have got to spend".

Or insert a straw into the back of their skull and suck until their head caves in!!!!

Thus the introduction of the

{The Good-Old-Boys-Club}

He typified the management style there;
the rule for management was simple.

"It's OK to lie to a little bit"
if it keeps him or us out of trouble.
It was sometimes an adventure talking to "Old Bob" you see he had this pregnant profile and when he would talk to someone he would preface the conversation with:

" Well ya, know I've been in this business for twenty-eight years now "

[as he would rub his hands up and down his fat belly]

"and the environmental business has been very-very-good-to-me, I've seen a lot of things, blah, blah. blah."

Big John and Old Bob were a good "fit" Big John was also technically incompetent, lazy, and a drunk, and his main snitch(but a "fun" guy to be around). Observing Big John's activities it was not surprise that he would sell anyone down the river. He was always running behind everyone's back.

ed [perhaps the ease of the environmental chamber business attracts the thugs]

I honestly don't think that "all people" are bad - Like sheep, they will pretend or believe anything two sources tell them and all the vague inuendo's. Whatever the "group think" is that's what is best to believe,and say.
ed.{I'm not cynical just experienced}

But as the shifty little pathological liar and klepto thief said after he helped plot to defraud and set-up four secretaries and two salesman and other co-workers.

"people are fools to try to live an honest life because every one will walk all over them"

Further more it doesn't matter what he does to anyone it's ok to lie, cheat, steal, etc,-etc..etc...!!

so long as they get away with it...

His classic was " you are supposed to tell anyone anything they want to hear and it doesn't matter if it's true or not you just tell it to them anyway" He was one of the biggest thefts. He used to practice lying on a daily basis, developing stories that might cover his actions. If all else failed he would say ;

"Well I lied for you"
(or I'll lie for you),
or who's gona know?

ed. [he was a company pet, and had the mgr wound around his little finger.]

D- the Trip stated that:

"they" like people like him."
Keep in mind he was stealing everything that he could get his hands on, defrading his co-workers, and the customers were always complaining. But he told management anything they wanted to hear (of course).

He was fired from the next company, "they couldn't figure out why they hired him in the first place!"
a bad organizational fit there!

When I spoke to the last company he stole at, hey said that he wasn't really very good and wondered how someone could work for a major manufacture for three years and possess such low skill qualities. It was no mystery to me so I explained to him that his main function was to be a false witness for the manager, and that he had the manager wound around his little finger.
He was finally fired for charging customers time for when he was not on the job. But it took them a week to find him, they went to his house on the weekend and told him to get his junk out of their service vehicle.

He was the manager's false witness, a lazy, liar and thief, an all around thug.
ed.[ Remember the company before got rid of him also.]

He is right !! the major flaw in people is the lack of character but.. try to live dishonestly ???......
A new saying :
" real Christians are a myth "
people revealed by their fruits
Yes, A.G. I am trying to correct that major flaw .

As Satan said " Aventa, Aventa"
for their skin, for their skin.

People will do anything to save their skin...

When you really look at it, we live in an apocalyptic time. It's very shaky and scary..
There also is this strange philosophy abounding
which says:

Truth or Lie---Be "Positive About It.

There are many gods afoot.

There are many evil powers...

I know where the Darkness resides !!
Ah yes, If lying, cheating, stealing, and slandering people is your forte then

Holland Michigan a town that boasts a church on every corner is for you.

ed. [and the environmental chamber business is your ticket in.]

The writer of psalm 73 spill out his frustrations as he struggles with his loss of perspective, but ends in a doxology.

When I tried to understand all this, it was oppressive to me till I entered the sanctuary of God; then I understood their final destiny (Ps. 73:16-17)

Twenty years ago a woman friend warned me about the Dutch and Christian Reform . You see she grew up in that community and developed a strong distrust of holy roller image orientated Christians. I thought perhaps it was an isolated group of people that was being focused on;
I was to learn that this was not so.

Now when I hear someone called a
"Holy Roller" I think of crook.

The Dutch and Christian religion itself had become a very twisted and
corrupt version of Christ's Teachings.

The astounding find was that their church members invariability encourage the false image and pretence of Christianity by peer and social pressure. (get along, go along)

The most profound change in this religious organization is the

Absence of the
"Ten Commandments"

ed.[ and the absence of sin]

In the Dutch and Christian reformed Religion It is called:


Mark 7: 06
These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. They worship me in vain; their teachings are but rules taught by men. You have let go of the commands of God and are holding on to the traditions of men.

What they do realize by violating
They have doomed themselves and their descendents to further corruption.

The LOVE OF MONEY, IMAGE AND SOCIAL STANDING is so powerful that it controls their every action.

The bible is very explicit in Exodus 20-5- of the consequences.

"Thou salt not bow down thyself to them nor serve them: for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God,

visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth genera-tions of them that hate me;

It is inevitable that one's children should suffer from the consequences of parental wrong-doing, but they are not punished for the parents guilt, except as they participate in their sins. It is usually the case however, that children walk in the steps of their parents. By inheritance and example the sons become partakers of the father's sin. Wrong tendencies, perverted appetites, and debased morals, as well as physical disease and degeneracy, are transmitted as a legacy from father to son, to the third and fourth generation. This fearful truth should have a solemn power to restrain men from following a course of sin.

And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandants.

After spending a few years working with this religious group,
I left in disgust and returned only to continue the research.

Western Michigan is known as

"The West-Michigan Hypocrites"

ed. [locating in Holland i was originally enthusiastic, a town known for it's abundance of Churches. Anyone seeking further Spiritual growth understands this desire but i was to learn otherwise.]

Its interesting to consider possibilities of why western Michigan is known as the W. M. Hypocrites. In order to understand some reasons we need to understand Satan's kingdom [ the father of lies and deceit] we need to recognize his work when we see it. According to Ephesians 6, his kingdom is comprised of four major divisions: principalities, powers, rulers of the darkness and wicked spirts in heavenly places.

The first of these divisions in Satan's kingdom is called principalities. The Bible alludes to the fact that the world has been divided into sections, or provinces, and each is controlled by a prince( demon). Daniel 10 spoke of the prince of Persia as one of these principalities. Daniel had prayed regarding certain concerns, but he had to wait 21 days before the answer finally reached him. A powerful evil angel, known as the "prince of Persia", had hindered the message. It wasn't until Michal, the archangel came to the rescue of God's first messenger that this evil being was overcome and the message was delivered(vv.1-14).
This incident is illuminating, it proves beyond the shadow of a doubt that evil angels do seek to influence. Without a doubt, all earthly governments from the national government on down to its smallest segments are attacked by evil spirits. These demons seek to manipulate and influence people in power. Whether officials realize it or not , some of the pressure brought against them stems from the fact that Satan and his organized forces are trying to force these influential people in the direction they want them to go. No wonder we are instructed to pray for those in government!

The next division in Satan's kingdom is referred to as powers. The word represents an exceedingly large section of evil spirits in Satan's army who possess great energy and force.
Their particular method of operation is to attack the personal feelings and thoughts of people and Christians.

ed.[ note that this method is widely used in Holland MI.]

They operate behind the disguises of self-interest, self-gratification and revenge. These are powerful stimulants to evil action in themselves, but when encouraged by evil beings, they can result in the lowest and foulest kind of deeds. Those guilty of such actions many never even realize that evil spirits have added their persuasive powers to the base desires inherent in the human heart.

Some people may even justify their wicked and cruel actions by thinking they are doing it for God. This was true of Saul of Tarsus before he realized his awful sin against Christ and the people of God.

As already noted, these powers attack a person's feelings and thoughts,. When a person is unprovoked, he is less likely to react violently when a false accusation or derogatory remark is made against him. We all have an adamic nature that urges us to resent these injustices.

Defaming a person's character is always one of the functions of these evil spirits. The powers of Satan work on our minds and tongues so it becomes much easier to say something evil about a person than something good.

Among the nefarious works performed by demons is that of raising up talebearers among the believers. Satan is called the "accuser of our brethren"
(Rev. 12:10)

What is possible and likely as strange as it may seem; that area of Michigan is under the influence of the forces described above. It is more than just the secular influences of todays mass media. These methods as described in the Bible are everyday occurrences.

The forth group in Satan's kingdom is called wicked spirits in heavenly places. (Eph. 6:12) These are religious demons who intrude into the highest religious experiences. They come as angels of light, sometimes speaking through men behind pulpits, giving these unregenerate men the false ideas that continually leas so many astray.

In some cases, these wicked spirits control the thinking in religious schools. This is true where modernism and higher criticism have taken over.
This particular division of Satan's kingdom works primarily in religious circles- the heavenly places. This presence is felt even in churches. These wicked spirits see to it that certain people join churches and yet are not Christian. These people are baptized and profess religion. but again they are not Christians.

Satan uses a variety of methods in his attempt to control the lives of people. Most of these strategies are very deceptive, appearing to be perfectly harmless on the surface. However, is reality are deadly; in order to successfully resists these temptations it is vital that we understand the methods employed by Satan.

The previous example's (pg-11)
demonstrate and typify the character of it's deciples.

HIGHLIGHTING this religion were the managers, and underlings I worked with. They promoted them self's as "Holy Rollers" and a Church goer's; as a matter of fact The Spineless Wonder (two-faced-liars, cheats & thieves) managers and H-- the Blasphemer & Thief would attend each other's church.

The words religion and Christianity are not synonyms. Many religions in our world today (and not only the heathen ones) are not Christian in any sense of the word. Likewise, a good number of Dutch reformed people have religion, but that does not mean they have Christianity.

One of Satan's most successful methods of deception is convincing people that being a good moral person (or Looking Good) is the same as being a Christian. The Devil's best representative on earth is the person who has high morals and is apparently honest and kind but is still unsaved. Satan lures more people into his net with this type of thinking than with any other means of deception. He is the promoter of all systems of religion, including those that teach good works or "Looking Good" as a means of salvation. It is not necessary to go to non-Christian nations to find these systems. They are everywhere!!
The people of Israel were very religious in Paul's day; however they were living by works and not by faith. Paul said of them, " For they being ignorant of God's righteousness, and going about to establish their own righteousness, and have not submitted themselves unto the righteousness of God. What was said of Israel could be said of many persons today, persons who are ignoring the righteousness of God that comes by faith and are seeking to substitute their own righteousness for that of Christ's.

One of the ways Satan convinces people that their own righteousness is sufficient to save them is by playing down the awfulness of sin and the fact that man is a sinner and needs to become a new creature in Christ Jesus. Many Churches have given in to this type of thinking and are leaving the blood of Christ out of their message to the world. Nothing pleases the Deceiver more than bringing unbelievers into the pulpits of our country to spread a message that leaves out the finished work of Christ.

Many religious leaders and Holy Rollers today practice the worst form of deception--they use the same phrases as Christians but attach entirely different meanings to them. Thus many people, including some Christians , are being deceived by their outward show of godliness. But, in reality , these false teachers are denying the basic doctrines of Scripture.

These guys were always trying to convince me that Lying, Cheating, and Stealing was normal.

ed.[sometimes I wondered if this was the first generation to walk erect !]

"For such men are false apostles, deceitful workers, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ. And no wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. Therefore, it is not surprising if his servants also disguise themselves as servants of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their deeds."
II Corinthians 11:13-15

We have been told to test the spirits. The words of John 1, 4:1
are not phrased as a polite request to be employed if the mood strikes us:

"Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but TEST the spirits to see whether they are from God;

because many false apostles have gone out into the world;

looking and acting and sounding on the surface like the genuine article.

We have been commanded to test the spirits. But just exactly how do we do that? God has not offered us His gifts and power only to leave us permanently contorted by the terror that it may all be a demonic counterfeit. Many pastors have felt a reluctance to discuss counterfeits at all for fear of that very thing. As a result, many of us are left in ignorance of Satan's schemes and techniques and therefore vulnerable to them, It is the naive and the ignorant who are most easily taken in by the silken tongue of the con-man.

All though there are different methods what I have relied on is the fruits. Most false prophets in the Old Testament were characterized by consistently unrepentant lives, how ever whitewashed they might have been on the surface of public viewing. A true prophet or apostles of the Lord should walk according to the light of His calling. We do see true prophets of the Lord, such as David, sinning grievously for a season. Murder and adultery are hardly trivial. But what made David a man after God"s own heart was that he was honest to recognize his sin before God and repent.

What often characterizes false prophets & deciples is a rebellious, unrepentant spirt.

But not always.

Frequently their lives, their moral standards, are totally above reproach.
The fruit of their lives could put
many of us to shame,

Matthew 7:15-23
is a key passage here. The Lord is warning us against the false prophets "who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves"

How will we spot them?

"You will know them by their fruits".

The Lord then goes to great lengths to explain the basics of spiritual agriculture. re-emphasizing the a good tree cannot produce bad fruit and vice versa.

Do people pick grapes from thorn bushes, or figs from thistles? Likewise every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire.

However most people never read past the verse that again says "so then you will know them by their fruits". (verse 20)

Not everyone who says to Me. "
Lord, Lord," will enter the kingdom of heaven; but he who does the will of My father, who is in heaven.
Many will say to Me on that day, "
Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name cast out daemons, and in Your name perform many miracles?" And then I will declare to them, (verses 21-23)

"I never knew you;
depart from Me
you who practice lawlessness"

The fruit of their life, in and of itself, was worth nothing. Good works don't earn your way into heaven.

It is the "fruit of doctrine" that gives eternal value to the "fruit of life." Without a personal relationship with Jesus as Lord and Savior, the fruit of life is ultimately meaningless.

When we walk in fellowship with our Lord, as we come to know Him, His Holy Spirt bears witness within us concerning these things. But when we have grieved His Holy Spirt through sin and disobedience. this inner witness becomes warped and distorted and we no longer see or understand.

John 7:17
The Lord said," If any man is willing to do His will, he shall know of the teaching, whether it is of God, or whether I speak from Myself"

If we truly want to know the Truth and are willing to be obedient to it, God will make it evident within us.

Sadly, too many of us insist our inner witness is the first and most important criterion. I myself once said How can I tell if that statement is truth or has the spirt of the Lord in it?"

"I have seen and I have felt the presence of the evil beings.
I have experienced the good;"

"...I can tell the difference....".

The churches they attended encouraged subversive behavior and deceit.
The primary objective in life is to "LOOK GOOD" try to gain the upper hand, lead people astray, plot to have something over someone else, typical covert blackmail techniques.

Bad-mouthing people and denying it in the same breath was a main form of communication and entertainment.

ed. [it's a strange game to them,and its always best to go with the group]

Unless the churches they attend recognizes this and repents before the Lord, seeking to bring restoration and purity to the body which is now polluted by counterfeits and false doctrines, these churches will not survive the "last days"? They will be torn apart by strife and factions, They will be as salt that has lost its taste, and how then will they be able to reach a world dying in the stranglehold of deception?

Any attitude which lessens or undermines the authority of the Word must be suspect.

It is that Word through which God has revealed what we must know about Him and our salvation. It is not ment to be an exhaustive revelation--

But any other revelation which does not stand in harmony and agreement with the word--however righteous it may feel or sound--
is not from God.

We should be cautious when anyone asks us to

"just put your theology aside for a moment".

It usually indicates that what follows is based on:

Someone's experience taken over and above the context of the Word.

If it doesn't fit into proper theology, perhaps it has no business being there at all.

Scripture not only protects our personal privacy, but protects interpersonal problems from becoming tools of exploitation.

Sins against another person are to be addressed only with that person and with careful consideration for that person's vulnerabilities. If the issues cannot be resolved personally, then and only then should the problem be brought before mediators.

(Matt. 18:15-17)
"If your brother sins against you, go and show him his fault, just between the two of you. If he listens to you, you have won your brother over. But if he will not listen then take one or two others along, so that "every matter may be established by the testimony of two or three witness." If he refuses to listen to them, tell it to the church; and if he refuses to listen even to the church, then treat him as you would a pagan
or a tax collector"

COVERT Management techniques:

Exploitation Manipulation & it's Verbal Messages.

1. He has a problem.

2. Somebody said somebody said.

3. No one else asks me that.

4. Nobody works here for the

5. Everyone is a manager (everyone is a two-faced snitch)

6. Make it hard for your co- . worker.

7. That's not True because
What is truth ??

8. Well, I lied for you !
(that became his main saying!!)

9. Gosh, I guess I didn't see that ?

10. I don't know what to tell you.

11. Everybody knows that.

12. He would act mad at someone but wouldn't tell them why. They know why he's mad. HA-HA

13. He would also say His boss was a hard guy to work for.
(after he plotted to defraud a co- worker by laying the ground work!)

14. Tell employee they are wrong!

15. Make them "feel" Guilty.

His primary method of control was keep the people in the DARK.

Psalm 18:28
" For thou wilt light my candle, The Lord my God will enlighten
my Darkness"

The Mushroom Management Program
requires the use of:

1. Misdirection
2. Misinforming
3. Denial
4. Fear, and confusion
5. Suspicion
6. Locate a weakness to exploit.
7. Misguiding
8. Effective use of the "Grapevine"
9. I lied for you syndrome
10. Keeping the employee on the defensive

The pardicutable result is the employee will get disgruntled, dissatisfied, and by voicing any complaints, this will justify the company saying" They have an attitude problem"

One particular time I involved myself when an employee was "getting drummed out". He came to me to list his complaints and I said " Look I don't know if you are on the
"Drum Out Program"
But you can't expect this to be reconciled while you are biting the hand that feeds you, by bad-mouthing your employer. Maybe they just want you to leave, and they don't like you. You sure are telling me that you don't like them. Figure out what you want to do, either stay or go. If management won't listen to your grievances maybe its time to look for another job? But your working life won't get any better by walking around with a chip on your shoulder. Figure it out!!

A few days later he told me he was leaving and thanked me for telling it to him straight.
Basic steps when Drumming workers out.

1. Find areas of noncompliance, personal or professional and make issues of them and document.

2. Lay the Groundwork. Tell other workers/cronies "He has a problem" allow imagination to fill in the gaps.

ed. [this also removes the manager/ company from being liable, people will say "I heard that also"]

3. Inform underling that it seems that
they have an attitude problem.

4. Sutly agree with cronies when they pick up clues, encourage mockery. (diminish your enemies)

5. After ground work is layed, tell underling that people have been saying "things" about them.

6. Tell cronies to "make it hard" on the worker.

7. Tell worker he doesn't seem to be happy, and has lost their enthusiasm,
wouldn't it be better for them to find another job (within about 30 days).

8. Continue documentation of faults.

9. Ask employee "why" it appears that they don't" Care" about the work Quality or co-workes (make something up if necessary). Where is their sense of "Team-work"?? Why don't they seem to be "Happy here anymore"

10. Deny that you "have it in" for the employee, express mocking/insincere concern for the employee's situation, especally when cronies are in a group.

11. document, document, document!!!!

For people in general judge more
by the eyes than by actions, for every one can see, but very few have to feel. Everybody sees what you appear to be, few feel what you are; And those few will not dare to oppose themselves to the many, and in the actions of men,
the end justifies the means.

The important thing is to have the appearance of mercy, faith, integrity, humanity, and religion. And nothing is more necessary than to seem to have this last quality;

These basic techniques and strategies of gaining and keeping political control is described in greater detail in the Book "The Prince" by Machiavelli.

Which in summery is:
Do whatever works because as stated.
the ends justify the means.

A Mans Gotta do
what a Mans Gotta do.
ed. [Quote from H_ _ the Blasphemer]

H-- well known for lieing, cheating, stealing, slandering and stabbing co-workers in the back ( a super lying snitch) and when trying to lead co-workers astray running behind their backs to the boss and saying:

" Gosh I don't know how to tell you this Boss",

BUT this person did this or that" then
H-- would sneak ,

noun accuser, betrayer, double- crosier, fink, informer, reptile, snake, stooge,

verb coast, crawl, creep, glide, prowl, skate, skim, skulk, slick, slide, slink, slip, slither, snake, steal,

oo cower, cringe, flinch, grovel, quail, recoil,
snickering and slithering back into his hole, denying any knowledge
of what was then occurring to this co-worker. Typically he would act sympathetic to gain that co-workers confidence, then again run behind that co-workers back. He wore a blank mask to hid his cunning, and hid behind a false religious facade. (cold fish?)
He was a typical trouble maker.!!!

ed [they liked this behavior and it was copied by other employees]

What's Good is BAD !!
What's BAD is Good !!

The first overate introduction to this management style occurred approximately four months after working with this manager(two yrs
with this company). This is when he disclosed to me (his style) which was

"if someone does a Good job, management will say he did a
Bad job; if they do a Bad
job then they will say the worker did a Good job.

When it's time for a job review it is required to find something that the employee is not doing well(or a skill they never had.) and stress that fact, this was to justify the lack of a reasonable fair merit raise. If the employee objects to the review then management will sympathize with the employee and tell him that they will do another evaluation in six (6) months". (They didn't care about the workers) But they wouldn't of course, they were just instructed to tell the employee this.

The amazing thing is the
President used the same method
on his managers!!!

All though the president "preached" about being responsible, good quality, teamwork, and an Open Door Policy; He was really an enemy to these policies.

ed [ At the conclusion of an "employee attitude survey" by one of those We'll Lie for you Firms, they had the biggest layoff in the history of the company; many employees who were near "vesting" were the first to go.] Get the picture!!

At this time I was also told t
hat it was " A- OK" to lie and cheat;

Because wasn't everyone a liar and a cheat?? I told that Holy Roller manager
that this system seemed a little weird to me; that I was raise quite a bit different than this and further more If everyone is a liar and a cheat why in the world would I want to be like that??? If someone does a good job why not tell them so, and if they mess up shouldn't they be informed and instructed of that?

He said "OH he said I Didn't Know You Were That " Kind " Of Person!!!!
noun bracket, breed, cast, category, class, genre, group, ilk, mold, nature, order, persuasion, sort, species, style, type, variety.

adj. amiable, benign, genial, kindly, mild, non-malignant

oo affectionate,compassionate, considerate , empathic, human, kindhearted, sympathetic, tender, warmhearted;
oo attentive, considerate, generous, thoughtful, unselfish;

Let's take a moment to look at the inunendo well used at the company to describe this man and manager.

The Spineless;
Gutless Wonder.

adj. emasculate, impotent, inadequate, ineffective, ineffectual, weak
oo chicken, cowardly, fearful gutless, timid, yellow
Adj. chicken, cowardly, fearful, spinless, timid, yellow
noun marvel, miracle, phenomenon,
sensation, spectacle, oo amazement, awe, incertitude, doubt, dubiety, indecision, mistrust, query, novelty, curio, curiosity, oddity

verb marvel, stare

D- the Trip stated that " He really didn't have the CHARACTER to be a manager."

James 1:8
A double minded man is unstable
in all his ways.

The Trip's main job was to be a confidence man " get close to the other workers" See what dirt you can locate, it didn't matter if it was true or not
(he never verified anything). He had been employed there over ten years at that time but had been retired for years.
He just liked the regular check.. We were instructed to say "He is good with angry customers" as if that was his function.

His standard statement when an employee complained that the Spineless Wonder was lieing to them was:

"Well they (upper management) lied to
Him-m-m-m as if that made to A-OK.

But he did finally did admit that "It no-longer mattered if one did a good job or a bad job." We just were not supposed to talk about that!!
Hide everything was the rule.

ed [what an incredible food group these people were huh !!]

F_ _ The Punk said spinless wonder means "everyone is to only look after themselves, don't help anybody."
ed.[liars & thieves philosophy}

H_ _ the Blasphemer stated "this manager felt people made his job harder when
They didn't believe his lies.
And he found "It was difficult to pull the wool over my eyes.

It is interesting to note that H-- went on to become a salesman and a year later; After he quit the company filed a 1.2 million dollar suit against him for supposedly taking a customer list with him. H-- commented that he was prepared for this Co. to do something against him. It was not perused and F-- the Punk said the Co. did it just to antagonize him, a parting shot.

ed. [he also stated that the company was afraid of someone who wouldn't lie for them and might not just "go along"]

This really was true, the spineless wonders lying had progressed from just lying when it came to strict "Company Business" to customer information, interpersonal remarks by other people, even technical information.
As he was lying 80 to 90% of the time
(He became a habitual liar), it was now necessary to ignored anything said!!

He always demonstrated he was manipulative, untrustworthy, vindictive, two-faced, and
he wanted to believe the worst

(the dirt) about other people. He would always : hide behind the image of
"church goer & Holy Roller !!".

It was as if he would run out from behind a tree, an go na-na -na then run away and hide.

Rubbing his hands together in glee like a Troll.

The reason he was a coward & spineless was he never wanted to be responsible for his responsibilities, or actions!!. (He didn't want to get in-trouble) and it dominated his every action. He looked for the solutions to problems elsewhere. When case-in-fact-it was his inability to communicate, be responsible or stand-up-for-anything, take the heat. He was convinced that if anything got him "in-trouble" it was because somebody talked.

Who spilled the beans ??

He knew he didn't, because he hid everything, he refused to communicate with the subordinates.
(he wanted them to read his mind??)

He was a poor organizational fit for a field service manager/dispatcher position. The nature of that position requires problem solving under pressure, it would seem to require a-man-in-charge..
Not a spinless, lazy,-do-nothing, liar!!

ed. { perhaps this is incorrect,
maybe this position does require a lazy, shifty, two-faced, liar,
and do-nothing }

He tried to wish problems away; Or hoped someone would just "do" something.

The problem was not the job, and not the employees. No, the real enemy was his own attitude. His misconception on how he defined his job responsibilities, and requirements. His inability to speak and communicate in nothing but inuendoes,
to avoid responsibility, his fear of making on the spot decisions, his fear of accountability. (every-man's a manager, no-one works here for the money, somebody said that somebody said)

His self-Delusion of wanting to have everything go smoothly, and be liked.

A delusion is a false belief based on an incorrect judgment about reality. Usually a delusional person will hold on tightly to that erroneousd belief in spite of obvouus and unquestional evidence to the contrary.

The ironic thing was his dishonestly progressed to the point that it was necessary for other employees to document everything. Which he hated because it kept him informed, in the light, and responsible. So he then couldn't lie about everything as easily.
(this is why "False Witness Program" became necessary) This of course infuriated him even more which kept the conflict fueled!! And if that didn't happen then a co-worker would try to stroke-the-fire.

Pretty insane situation all-in-all, and all the time he was trying to protect his informants.

If you did not turn a blind eye to the corruption and or confronted his plotting to defraud other co-workers,he would plot to defraud you. Yes, indeed he did have have a thing about loyalty.

With his Passive Aggressive personality loyalty might also be defined as a snitch that he thought was keeping him out of trouble.

Passive in that he never directly confronted people or problems, he would always deny and try to weasel out of his responsibility, then plot..
Aggressive because he hated anything or anyone who might inadvertently make him "feel" as if his image was threatened, or made his job harder. So he actively defrauded anyone that made him uncomfortable.

A Spinless Manager
would always manipulate and hate to be confronted or found out.
He would have to plot and conspire, loyalty would indeed be defined as:

"Well I Lied for YOU !!!

A manager who's main disciplinary method was trying to create situations where he could say "I lied for you" and building a case against the co-workers, seeking to find fault and slandering co-workers; would have a very high requirement for people to turn a blind eye to his ways, and be a False Witness.

His management style became so vindictive that if someone made a mistake he wouldn't tell them about it,

"It would be used against them".

The goal was blackmail to obtain loyalty or as it became necessary to build a future case against then.. Remember he drummed out 80 % of the co-workers on the West Coast in three years.

ed.[lieing, stealing, cheating and slandering people was his West Coast Epitaph, then
he returned to Holland MI.]

He was a very vicious, petty, slippery & of course a Dutch Reformed Holy Roller.

Directly challenging the delusional beliefs can incite paranoid people to violence. People never want to admit that they're making a fundamental error about the nature of reality.

ed.{ He became so twisted that he had to
screw his socks on in the morning and so crooked that he would run into himself when he turned a corner to fast !!}

All he wanted people to say was:

"Everything is fine and
you sure are a nice guy."

This style of management is typically called "Country Club Management" characterized by low concern for, output, Quality, work- manship , a general lack-of-concern towards the job. What is stressed is "Is every- body happy, and isn't the boss a great guy.

The twist this manager put into the program by encouraging lying, cheating, stealing, he turned it into:

"A Den of Liars & Thieves".

Keeping your "mouth shut" and not caring about any one elses problems (or your own for that matter) was the main emphasis.
This enabled him to have a False Witnesses
avaiable on request which made his job safer,
So, if people didn't say :

Everything is fine and you are a swell guy"

ed. [ that's all a do-nothing wants to hear]

he would work to "build a case against them" conspire to lead them astray, and/or defraud them find some fault on the premise that,
They have an attitude problem.

What became a typical statement by this management and their cronies was
I told him this, that, or the other thing"

while this was a lie, it supported the "Image" that they were understanding, reasonable, fair and on top of things.

His cronies would support him by saying: "yep, yep, it's true I was there".

This management team not only kept the employees uninformed, and misinformed, but they kept each other misinformed,

just tell me the good things happening (or the potential dirt on the underlings) I don't want to hear about problems.

The alcoholic salesman once painted a story that dramatized this distortion. If for instance a salesman was with as customer and jumped into their lap, kissed them on the lips shit all over themselves and the customer. By the time the story was filtered to the president it could likely be changed to " Well the salesman had some Mexican food for lunch and it gave him gas; when he was with the customer he farted a couple times.

It was necessary to learn the skill of
"memo documentation" ( at one point this
escalated to something akin to memo wars) this manager became a habitual liar and denied anything and everything; it became
necessary to document events to anticipate his lack of support in the effort minimize future problems. As stated above it became necessary to write memo's to document any type of problem. This manager who was in a different office instead of keeping (remote) employees better informed, covertly told his (cronies) accomplice's to let him know if a memo's were being sent. Of course !!

Ah yes, your humble narrator went out to California on a Pilgrimage. Searching for holy cities, magicians, wild women, and new flavors of the "Wow "Vibes.

California, the Golden State.
At the time, it sort of seemed like an omen. Intuition told me that I would find " Truth "
in California.

Nobody dies of old age there. Everyone dies prematurely on the highways, and you never know when, Any minute of any hour some brake lights could blink, tires squeal, and the semi on your rear bumper flattens you into a gruesome road-kill in two seconds flat. It could happen tonight. You live like a hunted beast.

Everyone has their day to die on the thruway bleeding, you get your own honorary traffic jam as gawkers creep by admiring your splashed guts. And the traffic jam blocks the ambulance two miles back.
Everyone is famous for
a half an hour.
It's like a bizarre pagan sacrifice to the Goddess of Asphalt.

No one escapes the hot black alter!

My dashboard was a good luck temple .... four inches deep in St. Christopher statues, rabbit's feet, four leaf clovers, spirit whistles, eagle feathers, glass pyramids, magic crystals, satchels of voodoo herbs, and photos of Jesus Christ, Budda, Confucius, and Ollie North.

YOU NEED more than AAA.

California the land of promise.

As i drove along those roads I saw it for what it was .......


" Pou-Fu Loves Sally "

"Iluminado + Sally "

" Abdulla Owns Sally "

The thugs hang out every where.
Nubile wenches. Boom boxes, Budweiser,
and Zig-Zag bomers. Litter everywhere..

Yes, the couple years I spent in California......thinking that this was " IT " was as much fun as an ............incurable case of
jumbo Ho Chi Mihn crab lice.

Did I find the Truth??

Boy, did I !!! I cruised right by
the bright red signs.

All caution to the wind.

The Management method employed was to erode the employees confidence in their work; find some petty reason or fault, real or imaginary, create situations where the employee may have to lie. Put them under pressure so they would fail then management could supposedly
This provided justification for the employee to LIE FOR The Manager;

This effort was to keep the employees:
confused and there for under control, and with the group lying for the Manager the group effort was focused on

" LOOK GOOD ! ! "

When an employee did a good job the manager would say something like, "someone at corporate said that the customer was, unhappy, not totally pleased, mad, that the employee didn't follow through etc. etc.
ed [example of " somebody said,
that somebody said"]

BUT!! He, the Manager
did not believe it.!!

This was an effort by the manager to demonstrate loyalty to the employee. While the entire story was contrived,
(a lie); The employee would now perceive the manager as allied with them and be suspicious of other

" Thus A Snitch Is Born "

He would then demonstrate his cleverness by speaking to the person being "snitched on" in inunendo's with references from the information derived from the Snitch. Some sort of
"I know what you know" Game.

What happens when two people, or a crowd, or entire company for that matter enter into a shared belief system that is not only deviant but grossly psychotic?

Is insanity contagious?

Can a psychosis really be transmitted from one person to another? Or to a whole group of people? Sometimes it seems so. History is filled with tragic stories of mass delusions. Bizarre beliefs have been shared by entire societies and have resulted in witch hunts and persecutions. A group of people known as "millennialists" gathered together to await the end of the world and the beginning of the "millennium" at parties that ended with a whimper rather than a bang. In 1938 millions of Americans fled invading Martians, thanks to Orson Welles.
They were all victims of
group-think, or mass hysteria.

Psychiatrists have long observed patients who, for one reason or another, enter into shared delusional belief system with others. These beliefs tend to be paranoid ones based on the "us versus them" perspective, with the "them" certainly out to get "us".

Sharing a paranoid delusion
can further cement a strong
bond between people.
ed. INSERT excerpts from people of the lie.
When two people share the same systematized delusions, psychologists call their condition folie a deux a French term that literally means an "insanity" or psychosis of two". Through the years other psychiatrists have referred to the phemonemon as "infectious insanity", "contagious insanity", or communicated insanity. Now days it is referred to as a "shared paranoid disorder", or an induced psychotic disorder". Folie a deux is thought to be a chronic condition. One reason for this is the tendency of the people in the delusional relationship to hide their deviant thoughts from others.
Delusional people who are viewed "well" generally have gotten cured enought so they know how to hide their delusions and tell people around them, whatever they want to hear.

Many of the great "isms" of history are based on this kind of paranoia: nationalism, racism, sexism, religious fundamentalism. Paranoia is a powerful psychological force that can electrify and inspire human beings. Empires have been built on a basis of paranoia. But this same force is the cause of much discord and strife.

This method worked with employees who were insecure with their workmanship, or their image or who just wanted to get along.
(high school mentality )
Constant use and with the integration of other methods described caused employees to doubt and to seek a reality/self image check. A loyalty shift could now occur based on the "us vs them" psychology . These were similar technics used in prisoner of war camps. A method of brain-washing and thus control.

Times it seemed these people were demonically possessed.

People that lie to you will certainly lie about you.

Strange as it may seem he only trusted people that lied for him, or conspired behind their co-workers backs, in short he only believed deceitful people.

He did get more bold in his lying techniques by telling a co-worker that another co-worker said "thus and such " about them while the whole story was contrived.
If an employee did not believe his lies he would enlist the help of other workers who would speak the same lies to the worker in the attempt to make them more believable.

As he became more entrenched in the lies he generated, his reasoning process became so distorted that
"Who ever told him what he wanted to hear must be right!" And no one could tell him anything unless he wanted to hear it. The need to document what he really wanted to believe. Reality was no longer reality, there was only "his image" to protect. Or rather his perception of your perception was the reality .
to fit into the reality power of the "Group Lie" you must suspend any non social behavior and at least appear to accept the values of the leader or be ostracized.

The problem of "management by perception" is that it will paralyze an organization in crisis situations. Because no one is willing to take the initivetive at problem solving because of the fear of making a mistake, or looking bad.

NO WAY !!!

Do nothing management
became the next step
and it is logical.
The fear of making a mistake and being found out prevents any action from being taken. It is much easier and safer to wait and see what someone else will do to correct a problem. Then and only then will praise or criticism, fault finding be issued. Find out what the corporate position is that take that posture.

ed. [he became known as an over paid

ed. [Yes boss, the sky is green,
shit smells like roses, tastes like lumpy custard, and you're the best!!]

His CONSISTANT failing was his refusal to verify anything of what was told to him, (always of course on the sly). He did not want to expose his snitch. Who helped document what he wanted to believe, and "protected him"
No sense in being confused with the facts at this point!!

ed. [ this manager couldn't find an elephant in a tunnel]

These techniques gave him more control over people because most would not verify the information; believing that the other co-worker would deny it anyway, suspicion was the key.
(watch out for that person over there!)

Personal loyalty became centered around being a "false witness", (I lied for you syndrome, and employees would lie about that also) to the degree that one particular company became known for the ease of "getting someone to lie for you". People there were lying even when they didn't have to, it was almost just to practice, or to see if that person would believe them.
This company became known for their
"empty words".

During the installation of equipment on a seven hundred thousand dollar contract, he did what I was later to find out was typical for him,(Making It Hard For Me). I called up H-- the Blasphemer and he said
" Gosh I don't know what to tell you, but they think I stole thus and such.( a piece of equipment I was trying to use for this job)]; [ed. {He did steal it}] The Boss in an effort to resolve his lack of support during the installation of this equipment;

He said to me:

Don't You Want To
Get Into Management??

I foolishly told him " Are you crazy???

"You Guys are Way-To-Corrupt
for me" !!!! ed.[Opps]

He said:
" They Are All Corrupt!!!"

I replyed "I am quite satisfied
working as a serviceman"

ed. [ this person now quits jobs when the Boss considers lying and dishonesty apart of the "job description]

Ultimately management became petty, vindictive, two-faced, manipulative and obsessive with the fear of being found out.
(pg-4-6 illustration)

It is worthwhile to mention, that that his intence desire to "Not provide" the required manjpower in the errort to leave me stranded caused the Manager and the company to fouled up that contract, the President calling the customer names, the "parrot COMPANYMEN all saying the same thing, and even denying aspects of the contract existed; fthe co. made all these weard threats like small boy having a temper tramphan. Though the contract spelled out the responsibilities of the company, this company acted mad, hurt, because the customer wouldnt agree to their reality. The company had a telex War with the customer, it was embarrising working there at that time. The customer asked me if the company was blowing smoke up his ass.

ed [ I really didn't know, but it was
obvious they were jerks.]

They then sent H--the Blasphemer to help correct the problems with the defective equipment they shipped;
The customer came to me and said:

"Now there are trying to convince me that I never saw this equipment work according to
the specifications at the factory."

ed. [ H- the Blasphemer's real job was to convince the customer of this a lie]

At this time in the effort to reduce the employee turn-over the president changed the commission program for the service engineers. And he made it retroactive!! I called up the Labor Commission and they said it was illegal to make it retroactive. In talking to the President he told me they were wrong. Since I knew he was lying to me I filed a claim with the Labor Commission. Boy did I get a response, The--Spineless--Wonder hand delivered a letter three pages long (see appendix A)[he loved every minute of it] slandering me with half-truths and lies, of course they never mentioned the suit I filed with the Labor Commission. When I informed them that conspiracy to defraud someone is a criminal offence, and libeling and slandering someone with malicious intent was against the law, and talked to a lawyer; They sent De-- the Trip to convince me not to quit. They needed to build a case against me.

In "Machiavelli's" book he makes note e of Alexander VI methods.
Which is identical to this companies business practices,and its Dutch Reformed Practitioners..

"Alexander did nothing else but deceive men, he thought of nothing else, and found the occasion for it; no man was ever more able to give assurances, or affirmed things with stronger oaths, and no man observed them less; however he always succeeded in his deceptions, as he well knew this aspect of things."

A classic example of when
The--Spineless--Wonder Made- it- Hard and drummed out someone was the Texas regional manager.

The situation was as follows. The National Manager quit and The--Spinless--Wonder was to be a Temporary fill in. The outgoing person filled him in that the Texas manager was paying a bill each month for the purchase of some test equipment he was using to support a customer contract.
The Spine-less--Wonder ran to the president with this info and the president didn't want this happening.
So they made that Texas manager buy the test equipment. Then a short time later they realized they did need that equipment to fulfil that customer contract so they told that Texas manager that they wanted to buy that equipment back from him. He told them "no" that the Co. could buy another one. Well the Texas manager gave them the wrong answer. So, the Spineless--Wonder started making--it--Hard on the guy and a few months later they drummed him out. Remember the Spinless--Wonder started all this trouble. The Texas Manager had received authorization for this purchase from the previous Boss.

The first secretary he drummed out
(San Jose Office) had been working there about a your and a half. The company had just gotten rid of the salesman and the new (alcoholic) salesman had been covertly informed to get rid of her. A short time after he started working there he came in one morning and abruptly told her she was fired. This stunned and surprised her so she called Corporate and spoke to the sales manager who hired her (Big round Dick M. Cannonball) and he told her no she wasn't fired. Suddenly there were stories circulating that she wasn't sending the office bills to corporate and that she was running a business on the side, having sexual laizons in the office. The alcoholic salesman was being abusive towards her trying to find fault with her work. I called up The--Spineless--Wonder to ask him what was going on.

I asked: "Does this company
drum people out??"
He did not reply to this.

ed. [lying by omission]

I also mentioned that I've have been keeping a journal for years and that inadvertently I've been documenting what I've been occurring. There was a sharp intake of breath followed by silence
on the other end of the phone. Then he said if I didn't believe the stories I was hearing I should call -The--Dick- at corporate. This I did, and later that
week Dick apologized for their abusive behavior. But they now required the secretary to document any use of the copy machine and other tasks. She left shortly there after.

ed. [when I left--The--Spineless--Wonder bragged how he helped drummed her out!!]

He plotted to defraud the alcoholic salesman after the man exposed that his pet psychopath False Witness Greggy was never at work and was selling real estate. Then he had the nerve to say he was doing something to improve the morale in that office.
What a Jerk....

Keep the employees uninformed and in the Dark.

The Problem of being
a Whistleblower

Associated press 8-11-1990

SEATTLE-- A Hanford nuclear reservation whistleblower has filed a $30 million lawsuit against government contractors he accused of conducting a harassment campaign to force him from his job because of his safety complaints.
The suit alleges Rockwell and Westinghouse conspired to gather damaging information from Bricker's friends and fellow employees. The suit said the Hanford contractors rejected Bricker's safety complaints, punished him for bringing them and made him "engage in fruitless procedures to voice his grievances.
The suit alleges that when Bricker took his complaints to congressional staff workers, Rockwell began a secret campaign against him. "My files, unbeknownst to me were stuffed with lies" he said. Documents allegedly penned by Hanford contractors detailing the start of the anti-Bricker operation, titled "Special Item - Mole.

But a well renowned Whistle Blower is Ralph Nader. The harassment he received is well documentated.

The above and what I saw
is what Shel--y --the--slut Dutch Reformed says is

This management style is considered "normal" business policy.

ed.[ that's a Holland MI Dutch reformed for you]

A year later when the follow on bid for that customer was submitted; The company thought
they had-it-in-the-bag.
I channeled the info to them not-to-get-greedy, but they over bid the contract by a half a million dollars and was shocked, and amazed that the equipment was bought elsewhere. Covertly I was told that I was not to give that company good service, I said if you are telling me that I should treat them like everyone else that I understand. But as I may be confused could you put this request into a Memo?? ed. [none was issued]

Six months later they thought they smelled another contract. They visited the customer and told them that they had made some changes (they fired R.--the--Can National Manager/dispatcher) so they said things were now getting better.
The customer told them I had done a excellent job which disappointed my management--cuz it made them "Look
Bad". This got them after me again. The only clue I had that they were after me again was when the latest secretary (number 4) who had been there about four months suddenly said "I don't want to work here if you aren't going to be here" (she left about a month later). Five months
later I left they drummed me out.
A Few weeks before I left She-lly--The--Slut-- in corporate mockingly told me that they hired my replacement.

Harassment of employees is considered common pratice.

This company was about three years into a merger transition, it was sold to Steel Mill Mawackie Boys. There is strong suspicion that it was the reinvestment of Mafia funds, some say money laundering.
Steel Mill Management Mentality.
They weren't accustom to dealing with technically competent employees.
(it was a new industry to them) All though there was always a certain level of deceit prior to the merger, it went through the roof when the "Weird" Mawackie Boys showed up.
As the previous corporate managers said "people were lying to each other even when they didn't have to lie".

Its interesting to note that the presidents right-hand-man was known to be a
guy who walked around with a
good grip on his ankles.

ed.[Their business methods paralleled those used by "Pimps, Prostitutes, and Crack dealers]

Yes, A.G. there really are Companies where:
"GOOD PEOPLE Don't Work Here"

at least not for long!! They don't fit in,
They are a BAD organizational match.

But they are typical of the social conditioning of that Religion and in that town.

There exists in this world a type of conspiracy that promotes the continual erosion of high principles. It is a daily erosion of honesty, unselfishness, trust, reliability, friendship, and truthfulness. It exists because we convince our selves that these virtues would corrode and threaten our success.

What then are the qualities
of "Integrity"??

What the heck
is "Integrity"--- anyway???

Why is integrity such a scarce commodity in our society??

Perhaps the chief reason integrity
is in such short supply is that
it is more difficult to live honestly.

I have seen many people distraught and embarrassed by the impact of drugs, alcohol, stealing, etc; The thing that
stands out like an axe-between your eyes or is overlooked.

These behaviors turn a person into a liar. Not that the drugs or alcohol made the persons a liar, it was the justifying to the people around them, the social control, staying out of trouble.

Integrity involves more than just having the right set of values; it includes having the-strength-will-to live with those values. Sometimes our problem is in knowing what to do in a given situation., More often our struggle is in doing what we know we should do. It is not simply a question of knowledge; it is equally a question of courage and determination.

ed. [ the world view may confuse this with -ego- but that's not accurate.]

The Bible tells the story of Simon Peter, who learned that he should accept all people--Gentiles as well as Jews--as equally worthy candidates to receive the good news of Jesus Christ. He actually preached to a Gentile audience and several of them became Christians.
(Acts 10:34-48)

Then a few years later he was in Galatia, an area of predominantly Gentile churches. Peter was comfortable having fellowship with those Gentile Christians until a delegation of Jewish Christians arrived from Jerusalem. Then he refused to eat with the Gentiles, because he didn't want to be criticized.

Peter knew he was supposed to treat all people equally, but under pressure he wavered in his convictions.

It takes courage to follow your convictions in the face of opposition. There is a
Professor of Communications at Wheaton College, who has illustrated this by drawing four lines of a chalk board.

ed. [there's always a way to graphically illustrate data.]

One lines he labels "X" and the others A, B, C, respectively. He asked the group which line was the same length as "X". Unknown to one person, other members of the group had agreed to give a false answer-say C.

Griffin notes that in one-third of the cases the person who is correct caves in and gives the same answer as the group.

Why Is It So Hard??

I have often wondered how drastically our judgment is affected by group opinion in other areas of life.
Why is it so difficult to sand up for what we believe? Why is it so difficult to put what we believe into practice??

There are a couple reasons. We want to be liked. We want the affirmation, praise and respect of others. One way to gain this acceptance is to agree with everyone else around you. Conformity is often the price of acceptance,
both in our dress and in our ideas.

The next is most people do not enjoy conflict. We are pulled by loyalty, love, staying-out-of-trouble and by our desire to do what is right.

Many people struggle to be persons of integrity but because we want others to like us so badly that we may surrender our real convictions. We dread conflict so much that we may be untrue to our own convictions in order to gain someone else's approval. Most people dread conflict so much that they may be untrue to their own convictions in order to gain someone else's approval.
There are many factors in living a life of integrity, but I believe three of them must be faced squarely:

1. What do I value?
2. Who is my audience?
3. What am I going to do about it?

Integrity begins when we establish what we value.Being a person of integrity means that one must have a clearly defined code of ethics and live by it. This is the root of the integrity problem for many people.

They Think It Is Possible
For a Person To live
Without a Set of Values.

They "go along to get along".

Then they wonder why they are
unable to know what to do in a crisis.

Such people suffer from moral vertigo--a loss of a sense of direction.

The idea has become popular that morality and values are simply matters of opinion and preference.

Ernest Hemingway would describe his struggle to write. When the wells of creativity dried up he would tell himself.

"Don't worry, you have written before, and you will write now. All you have to do is write one true sentence.
Write the truest sentence that you know. Beginning with one simple true sentence
he would proceed to write his novels.

It is difficult to write a story that does not begin with truth, it is difficult to write the story of our lives without truth. Integrity demands that we make choices about what is important to us and be prepared to live with those choices.

This involves answering
the question,

" What do I Value?? "

Then we need to ask ourselves;
Who's values do I live for??

Who is the author of this movie anyway ????????????????????????????????????

Do you live by God's values or your friends values or the bosses values ??

For the Christian, God is the most important of the group.

When one reads the new Testament, it is easy to see who the early Christians looked to. Hevbrews 12:2-3

Fix your eyes on Jesus and consider him who endured from sinners such hostility against himself, so that you may not grow weary or fainthearted. It is only when
we look to God that we find a stability that is not available to people who merely:

"go along to get along"

ed. [I'm sure that the spinless wonder had some integrity deep inside him, and with the proper use of ropes, ladders, flash lights and associated climbing gear it could be located]

John F. Kennedy in Profiles In Courage
wrote of people who refused to sell out their convictions under pressure.
As did Ann Rand in Atlas Shrugged.

Central to their strength was the realization that whatever happened they had to be able to live with themselves. In these books the author admired people whose need to remain true to their own conscience was stronger than their desire for popularity and the approval of others.

We may even avoid truth that we could know. Albert Speer, Hitler's minister of armaments, hid from himself the terrible state of affairs in the prison factories of Germany. He later confessed:

I did not investigate-for I did not want to know what was happening"

He pleaded ignorance to the atrocities, but it was a willful ignorance.

He did not know because he did not want to be responsible.

Who is my audience? I must be true to God and to myself.

Who's values do you live to??

Jesus chided people who did not practice what they preached. (Matthew 23-3)

Integrity is more than having values and good intentions,. It involves acting upon our beliefs. It is not enough to tell the truth; we must do the truth. In this world you either speak out and take the risk or die in the cesspool.

Evil only succeeds
when Good-men Fail-to-Act.

Becoming a person of integrity calls us to be clear about our beliefs,. To decide who or what we worship. Then we have to act conscientiously upon our beliefs.

This kind of life may be difficult and even frightening, but its never boring!!

ed. [I find it hard to be the silent type,
And I find it hard to keep it all inside]

This erosion of high principles is reinforced by the media and in the work-place. For instance in most of the companies I have worked for there is this game that is rehearsed before customer meetings.

* Avoid negative and harmful data whenever possible. Never ever volunteer information damaging to our success or reputation.

* Shade the truth if it would be to our advantage and we can get away with it.

* Tell them anything that will reassure them we have the situation well in hand.

* Blame other vendors whenever it seems advantageous to do so, and have some type of data to back it up with.

* Always conclude with your personal, honest opinion that all is well.

These lessons are everywhere, and they emerge as an unwritten code. The point is you can't be honest and survive.

* It doesn't pay to be honest

* If you don't look out for yourself, who will?

* You owe it to yourself to have the best.

* Get away with everything you can, because you may never got another chance.

Work ethics demand either Courage or Obedience

If your organization were manufacturing a harmful product or providing an unnecessary service to its customers, would you have the courage to speak out?

When the Ford Motor Co. was informed by Frank Camps that tests proved that rear end collisions caused the Pinto gas tank to rupture, creating a hazardous condition, He paid dearly for his non-conformity.

His superiors ignored the test results, his peers isolated him because he was rocking-the-boat. Ford eventually stopped producing that model after deaths and injuries occurred by ruptured gas tanks in rear-end collisions.

Ethics is an easy topic to give lip service
to, but when we're personally involved it becomes very gray and clouded by the pressures of the circumstances. Could you be as courageous as Frank in exposing harmful practices in the workplace???

When researcher Stanley Milgram
tried to demonstrate how unusual the Holocaust was, he demonstrated
instead how much all of us are
driven to conformity in our lives.
Milgram wanted to understand

how German soldiers rationalized the killing of millions of Jews by saying:

"I was only following orders"

His theory was simple he was going to prove that the Germans had a basic character flaw that allowed them to obey authority no matter how outrageous the commands.

In the study the volunteers were told they were participating in an experiment on learning and negative reinforcement.

The test was that an instructor would administer fictitious electrical shocks
to a subject when ever he answered questions incorrectly.
The scale on the machine ranged from
15 volts labeled "slight shock to 450
volts, labeled "Danger: Severe Shock.

Unknown to the instructor the subject was coached to respond to the fictional shocks, and tell the instructor of the health problems that they have had.

Milgram wanted to see at what shock level the instructor would refuse to pull the switch, and disobey his instructions.

What he found was the instructors went all the way to 450 volts despite of the subjects screams and anguish.

Milgram attributed the unexpected obedience to the concept that when people feel they are working for an agency or Company.

Harming other people is
if a person sees himself as
"the instrument of
another person's wishes".

Such as:

The Boss told me to do it,

He's a hard guy to work for.

I didn't want to get in-trouble!!!

Or it's only Politics!!!!!

Or as in the "infamous" words of
Richard Nixon:

" I'm not a Crook !!"

adj. despicable, notorious, offensive, scandalous, shady, unsavory, villainous;

oo ill-famed, notorious,wicked, base, corrupt, deadly, depraved, degenerate, deviant, evil, immoral, nefarious, putrid, rotten, ruthless, vicious,

Over charging customers, overlooking defective products, exposing fellow workers to hazardous situations are just a few of the choices employees face at work.

Would your inclination toward obedience and conformity overwhelm your courage to do the right thing???

Ethical choices are easy when they involve someone else making decisions about yesterday.

Courage and smugness come naturally in hindsight and at a distance.

The words of John Quincy Adams still ring true after 200 years;

"The Only Thing Necessary
for EVIL to Triumph is for:

Good-Men-to DO-NOTHING".

It's all part of the conspiracy to make us less generous, more suspicious, less willing to risk failure, less willing to help others, and intense concern of protecting all that we have.

The real truth is that it is only when you take risks, open your self up, by sharing loving, giving, can a person grow.

A closed protective selfishness person never really matures, instead they promote envy, fear, distrust, pride, jealousy, and hatred.

Or as Jesus said
" Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it".

[the sins of the parents are passed on to their children]

THE JOURNEY to heresy begins with the misunderstanding of God's grace
and a lack of trust in His grace that enables us to keep his commandments.
It is when we, rather than God are responsible for keeping us on track. Because we want to guarantee our purity or image, we put restrictions on ourselves and on others, ultimately confusing them with God's Word.
Certain cultural taboos are needed
in every age, but they are not to
become points of argument or the
cause of ridicule or strife.

Of that religion and of that town there is a tremendous intensity to dig for dirt on other people, and make-it-hard on the uninitiated. This interest is viewed as a "game" but with its ultimate purpose of maintaining an upper-hand, and having fun. They LOVE to believe the worstabout other people. The use of subtle blackmail to achieve one's goals; is simply a method to make one feel good about them selves, and belittling another person to using them as an escape-goat.

ed [Two liars stating the same untruth make it fact]

Just as there was tremendous pressure to spy on your co-worker, this behavior was encouraged and rewarded.
Management (which consisted of locals from that town) was convinced that everyone was trying to get away with something. They themselves had risen through the ranks. Typically they would enlist the help of one of the workers who was lying and stealing, and had proven their loyalty, they would send them "to find out what's really going on.
Not once did one of the thieves return with the answer of "well I haven't been around for a while and I'm stealing everything I can get my hands on.

Of course they said "Gee you're the greatest manager and the problem is with that person over there, and this is what I-got-on-them.

ed. [remember that the snitch is only going to tell them what they-want-to-hear, it doesn't matter if it's true or not.


What many "Religious" people seem to forget, or try to over look is that being in the spirt include Love, compassion for others, caring, sensitivity, and empathy etc. Without these traits management and the people that served that system become petty, vindictive, two-faced, back-stabbers, liars, and thieves.
All for the-Look-Good-Program.


Characteristic of this group was demonstrated by numerous people.
I was told if someone needed help that i was not to help them; if someone doesn't need help, then help them;
If someone did good then tell them they did bad; if someone did bad tell them they did good. Don't help anyone ever if it's needed !!!! When i said that it seemed GOOFY to me because you are supposed to help another if needed, that religious manager said "he didn't know i was that kind of person."

The goal was to keep the workers confused, keeping them in the dark,
through the use of misdirection, don't care about anyone but yourself. Turn a blind eye to everyone around you, tend to your own business. Keep the employees separated from each other, and control is achieved.

ed [Drumming workers out was normal this this company.]

Nobody else cares
so why should you !

The simple example that follows is small but it dramatizes everyday living that the characterizes this group.
The automobile breakdown of a mother and her three children on a cold and snowy dusk. I was getting back into town after being on the road for a couple of weeks, I see the situation, pull off the road and watch to see if any of the cars going by will stop and assist this woman. (who is trying to flag down a car). But of course in Holland Michigan, they were all busy going to Church or visiting friends and can't be bothered.
Help was offered to this family, and the woman said it all when she frantically stated " I've been trying to get someone to stop for about an hour". She looked at the out-of-state car plates and said:
" My God and it had to be
someone from Kansas".

And as we watched the many cars hurrying by, as it revealed the sickness,, like a neon sign.
Lack of caring, the secular life styles, the absence of Christianity
in Holland MI.

So, maybe it is true?

I have heard that the numbers demonstrate that only one
(1) person in a thousand (1000)
try to figure out what Christianity "really is"; And about
(!) one in ten thousand (10,000) , (to coin a phrase) pick up their cross and follow the Truth.

So, in Holland MI. there are really only about say thirty (30) or maybe (40) "real Christians".
The rest of the inhabitants of that town in the effort to fit in
"try to mimic the life style"
They like that "clean living" look, or feel, but it is all secular living, the spirt of Christ is vacant.


A typical senero in the work place I observed of the little Dutch Christian Reformed dutchboy's.

In this case the boy was expounding on how he was a good little boy and always went to church with his family. He then disappeared for a short time and upon reappearing he bragged how he just finished antagonizing a co-worker, and boy he sure got that guy riled up.

He went on to say how he made up a story to tell that guy and how that guy believed him.

So, wasn't he a clever dutch-reformed boy!!!

I turned and faced him and said:

" you are typical of the holy-roller assholes I've come to find in this town. "

You may not realize it but that guy is married, has a family and is trying to pay his bills by working here.
The job he has might be the highest in skill he may ever be able to do, and the most money that he may ever be able to make. `So, he probably doesn't need you to go over and antagonize him with this,

"Somebody said "this about you"

Instead of running around and making it hard for someone;

"Why not get a life of your own ?

or do something useful

save your money and
"buy a brain"

then go to Church and
show it off.
The odds are you'll be
the only one who has "one".

A corrupt version of Christianity.

Among the nefarious works performed by demons is that of raising up talebearers among the believers. Often this work is done by using Christians to accuse their fellow believers.

Wicked spirits see to it that certain people join churches and yet are not Christian. These people are baptized and profess religion. They may even claim to possess holiness. Their purpose is to attack the most conscientious religious people and get them to accept heresy and to follow impressions until they become conceited and self-righteous. The Pharisees and scribes were good examples of these people.

[as the Alcoholic salesman said]
"they are all phony"

ed. [phony people like to be around
other phony people.]

People that try to "Fake" a relationship with GOD will try to "Fake" anything and everything else.

In the Charlie Chaplin film, "The Pilgrim," the little tramp escapes from prison, and running from the law, he disguises himself as a clergyman. This works out okay until he gets off a train in a little frontier town and finds a crowd there to greet their new minister. They escort him to the church and of course, expect him to preach them a sermon. Recalling some Bible stories from his childhood, He acts them our dramatically, in pantomime. But just when it looks like he might pull of his deception, he sits down while the offering is being taken, and lights up a cigarette, right there in church.

Discovered as a phony, Charlie is taken by the local sheriff to the Mexican border. As soon as he crosses the border, he finds himself in the middle of a shootout between two Mexican gangs.
On one side the American sheriff;
on the other the Mexican Bandits.

The film ends with Him running of along the border dancing back and forth between one country and the other. Most of us don't want to be a phony, an imposter dancing back and forth between one way of life and another. Most people want to live true lives, lives of integrity, lives with a clear and unified purpose.

All though I haven't had the opportunity to meet all of the Dutch and Christian Reformed in Holland MI.
There may be a couple of True Christians there. But one thing is certain.the one's that I have had the (miss ?) fortune to meet;

They really do give TRUE or Real Christians a B A D name.

Their interperation of "Christian" lends one to believe that all you have to do is appear RELIGIOUS go to church or talk about your church.

These are the type of people that Christ spoke of in Mat.23:25-27

"Woe to you teacher of the law and pharisees, you hypocrites! You clean the outside of the cup and dish, but inside they are full of greed and self-indulgence.

(verse 27)
"You are like whitewashed tombs, which look beautiful on the outside but on the inside are full of dead men's bones and everything unclean. In the same way, on the outside you appear to people as righteous but on the inside you are full of hypocrisy and wickedness."

When the minds of people are turned away from God to the fallible, the erring; Cruel man can exercise their power through them. Sin is disguised in a garb of sanctity. When the Scriptures are suppressed, and man cames to regard himself as supreme, we need to look only for fraud, deception, and debasing iniquity. With the elevation of human laws and traditions, this manifests the corruption that results from setting aside the law of God.


What does "The Mark of the Beast mean?

Does it have to mean a visible symbol attached to ones forehead and hand?
Or can that be just part of it.

When you take on the "Mark " (wear the colors etc.) of any group or gang, the outward symbol is a statement of the inward value system of that group.

Now remember Satan is know as the deceiver, and we all know that a group of that "value system" would not openly "advertise it".
They would all try to blend in like a chameleon to the local styles and customs.
All groups or communities have
an inner circle,and successive outer circles, and each level has a particular function, knowledge, and is trusted to that level.
So the question is would Satan have a up-standing looking community?
I mean other than the attention getting community, demonstrated in the gross levels of the occult?
Wouldn't any smart "Bossman" work to infiltrate an upstanding organization with the agents of its own when their intention is to take it over? Of course, we see that type of activity on T.V. just about everyday.

The Bible speaks of the "Mark of the Beast" and some view that as an outward sign on a persons forehead, and on their hand. Other than the obvious can this be symbolic for something else?

Is not the forehead a symbol for a persons intellect, their mind? The Mark of the beast might be the way one thinks.

Can the mark on the hand symbolize the action or works of a person? Perhaps so.

God's laws are written on a persons heart.

Where would Satans laws be written?
In the persons mind?
By way of their actions?
By deceitful behavior?

When one has dealings with a "holy roller", church goer, or anyone for example. If that person chooses to lie, cheat, or deceive you in anyway, "Who's law are they following?

From their mind (or heart?) comes the lie,
from their hand comes the action.

Can this also be "The Mark of the Beast?"

By their Fruits you will know them.

People are encouraged to say :

"Well Business is Business (Compartmentalization)
which effectively gives free reign to do anything to get the best deal.

Yes indeed if and when we choose to lie or cheat that action reveals the law written in our mind, and the god that we worship.


Excerpt from "The Howl of the Wilderness"
" I find it hard to believe i felt anything when i left Holland. MI....Living in the midst of thousands of Charlie Mansons and Tammy Bakkers isn't for the weak at heart. You develop incredible CONTROL. .!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
. . a combination of a zenmaster's patience and
a purse snatcher's lightening speed.
The Cardinal Rule is: Always hit them when they're down !!!
( and never above the belt) .

And that's the truth! The secret of survival is not to care..
The secret of survival is that you are the only person on the face of the Earth that matters, and your only job is to get yourself safely through to the end of the day. Vaporize any obstructions with extreme prejudice.

Any one with any kind of HEART or human feelings
quickly gets bushwacked and buggered by Republican/TV Evangelist types.

Keep a sockfull of quarters in your back pocket."

The need to integrate religious belief with behavior is the problem
of Blasphemy.

While the violation of the first and second commandment(idolatry) is perhaps at the root of all sin,
the violation of the third is the sin of sins.

The violation of the third commandment-" Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord, thy God, in vain"
We call blasphemy. It is even less understood than idolatry, and doubly wicked.

I am amazed at the common misunderstanding of the nature of blasphemy.

Most people think of it as swearing or the use of bawdy language.
To say "God damn" when you hit your finger with a hammer or "Oh Christ" when you realize you have made a mistake is what they would consider blasphemy.

But that is not what the Third Commandment is about at all. I would imagine the God would prefer us to adore Him rather than to be angry at Him. Yet it is probable that he is quite tolerant of us even when we are cursing Him or blaming Him for out misfortunes. While such anger may be ignorant or immature, we are still in relationship with Him.
What really infuriates Him , however is to be USED.

That is what is ment by blasphemy:
the using of the Name of God when you are not in relationship with Him for the purpose of pretending that you are.

A common experience in Holland MI I encountered when talking to "RELIGIOUS " people (who took great pains to criticize my "bad" language).

Although every other sentence they spoke began with

"The Lord did this" or "The Lord did that"

every other sentence in between
was about who was having an affair with whom; who was getting a divorce, who was not attending church regularly, or those children were messing up (all the dirt).

I tried not to make any comments about their use of language, but when i finally escaped
from them I felt that

if I had heard
"The Lord did this " one more time I would have PUKED !!!

The blatant overuse of religious language,
is what the Second Commandment means by "taking the name of the Lord in vain".

It simultaneously trivialized God while sugar-coating their own meanness--although I cannot imagine it served effectively to disguise their pettiness from anyone other than themselves.
[although it baffled me that others did not seem to see through this falsehood (it must have been group think)]
As blasphemy goes, I doubt that the Dutch boy's I worked with considered this a very serious sin, Perhaps many of them were guilty of no sin than habitual gossiping.

The more serious forms of blasphemy are more subtle, and simultaneously more difficult to spot or describe and therefore


It is the use of the sacred to hide the profane, of apparent purity to cloak guilt, of the noble to disguise the ignoble, of beauty to cover up ugliness, of the holy to bless depravity.
It is both the pretense of piety and the skilful use of piety as a pretense.
While all lying is a manifestation of a LACK OF INTEGRITY,

blasphemy represents:


Its most basic mechanism is that psychological trick called compartmentalization.

It is important to remember that blasphemy always requires behavior.

A person who has occasional profane
thoughts but does not act upon them
is not a blasphemous individual.


Blasphemy is the form of compartmentalization that allows some routinely to profess the truth while routinely acting the lie.

As She--the-slut (Dutch reformed ) "Holy Roller" said "Libeling and Slandering people is just called politics.

ed.[she is referred as this because of her moral behavior, sleeping around, bastard child, marrage, divorce]

Or perhaps Roll-Over-Ra-dy a Christian reformed Church goer, his eyes would glaze over,and he would babble "I don't know what to say, I guess it was just an unfortunate incident." I did come across this quaint saying while in Holland MI.

" It is easier to get
then to get help from a
Dutch Reformed Holy-Roller.

This dramatizes the tremendous amount of cynicism surrounding of the Dutch Reformed Religion in that area. I was told that even though their methods are similar to the Mafia; there is no direct connection to that organization they just use the same tactics.

Any form of behavior that stems from a lack of integration, that represents compartmentalization, is blasphemy. The " businessman who goes to church on Sunday mornings, believes that he loves God and God's creatures and his fellow human beings, and then on Monday morning has no trouble with his company's policy of fouling the Earth, defrauding co-workers, slandering people, is a Sunday morning Christian;
they are guilty of blasphemy.
Regardless of its intensity, regardless of the degree of consciousness or deliberateness involved, such compartmental-ization of religion is invariably blasphemous. The fact that in this country our money reads
"In God We Trust"
and we are the leading seller of weapons in the world means that
we are largely a blasphemous nation.

ed. [in God we trust but all others pay cash?]
In the nation's capital, It's all one big lie.

ed[ columnist Mike Royko,6-22-90, Detroit Free Press] Tribune Media Services.

Like President George Bush, Sen. Robert Dole, R-Kansas, and other vote-husling patriots, I would like to see the Constitution amended to make illegal a practice that is revolting, offensive and harmful to the public good.

A lawyer would have to put my proposal into proper amendment language, but it would say something like: "Congress and the states shall have the authority to enact laws making lying by a politician a crime, punishable by public paddling of their bare bottoms.

I'm sure there are do gooders and civil libertarians who would protest that such an amendment would deprive a politician of his right to free speech.

And traditionalists would say that lying is an essential part of the political process.

If candidates can't lie about their opponents and themselves, campaigns would be so dull that nobody except the candidates, their wives and their children would vote, which would be unfair because it would discriminate against childless candidates.

But I reject these arguments. While it is true that, in general, lying on your tax forms, you can be fined or even jailed. If you lie to a grand jury or while testifying in a trial, you can be punished. If you lie while applying for a bank loan, you can be prosecuted.
(That's unlikely, however, as the massive S$L scandal has shown.)

There are laws making it illegal for a manufacturer to lie about some product, and for certain salesman to lie about a price.

Why, if you lie to your wife, that isn't a crime, but she can take you to court and a judge might award her everything but your bowling ball, leaving you a broken, pathetic wretch, wallowing in a gutter with only a wine bottle to console you.

So, while almost all lies--about your golf handicap, sexual exploits, military heroics and how you told off your boss--are protected by the Constitution, some aren't.

That's because some lies obstruct justice or do harm to individuals or society and defraud others. (Once again, I exclude the S&L industry, since by unofficial decree of the White House, Congress and the federal bureaucracy,
lies by the S&L swindlers
are not only A-okay,
but real groovy)

There are those, I'm sure, who would consider me an extremist for wanting to amend the Constitution to punish politicians who lie.

But let us put this into perspective.

President Bush and most Republican members of Congress and those aspiring to Congress are yammering for an amendment that would prohibit the burning of flags.

Our leaders consider this a pressing issue, although 99.99 percent of all Americans don't burn flags. About the only time a flag is burned is when some nitwit publicity-seeker persuades an equally witless TV assignment editor to send out a crew and put it on the tube.
If 99.99 percent of all Americans are not burning flags, will never burn a flag and have never seen burn a flag, it it really worth the bother of amending the Constitution?
Of course it isn't. But it makes for one big, effective political lie.
At the same time nobody is burning flags, Washington is overflowing with lies. They lie to themselves, about each other, and to us.

If lies were locusts, there wouldn't be a leaf left in the town.

Even while politely addressing each other during a debate, they lie. They always say:
" Will the honorable Senator...." when they know very well that the guy has no more honor than a crack dealer.

And it's becoming worse than at any point
in our history.

There was a time when a politician had to get up on a stage in the town square, or stand on the back of a railroad car, and look the voters right in their eyes while telling lies. This gave people a chance to yell "hee-haw," and even throw vegetables.
But now, in the electronic age, the politicians hire professional lie firms, lie consultants and lie advisors who create their 30-second TV lie commercials and coach them on effective 10-second lie bites.
Just the other day, a professional lie consultant chortled about how devastating a 30-second commercial would be when aimed at any member of Congress who, out of genuine concern for freedom of speech and expression, failed to support the flag-burning amendment. They now openly brag about how effectively they will lie to us. Which is about the only time they tell the truth.
So if we're going to mess with the
Constitution, let's not waste energy on the little old flag burner who isn't there.
Hey, President Bush remember the fuss you made about Willie Horton the convict who did harm while on furlough? And how it helped you get elected?
Remember how someone pointed out that the federal prison system also paroles thousands of criminals, including convicted killers, drug dealers and other felons? And it was doing so while you were vice president?
And remember how how you said that, if elected president, you would review the federal prison system's furlough program?
They are still furloughing felons, Mr. President. Convicted killers, dope peddlers and other baddies.
Mr. President, were you pulling our chain? Tsk,tsk. And you have such an honest face.
The Constitution needs amending.

Let the paddlings begin!

The degree of compartmentalization in American life, ( dramatized in Holland MI. )

Is such that lying and blasphemous behavior
is the norm rather
than the exception.

When something is normal we are usually so close to it that we cannot see it in perspective. We are so accustomed to our money that we don't think about what is engraved upon it. It is difficult to perceive evil in the customary because it is considered normal.

As F-ed the Punk whore said
"Gosh, isn't everyone a liar and a thief ?, because:

"Of course everyone isn't."

We have become so numbed that we don't realize what normal behavior is. Our new's paper's and T.V.'s really represent what is in fact insane behavior.

As a society we have become so used to corruption that we are blind to the habitual blasphemy in all walks of life and most certainly in our Churches.

Christ laid down the moral condition of discovering truth and affirmed that it was not only an intellectual quest; what one discovered depended in part on one's moral behavior.

It was in this since, he once said
" His sheep heard His voice".

When Pilate was confronted with this idea that moral conduct had something to do with the discovery of truth, he resorted to pragmatism and utilitarianism, and sneered the question:

What is truth? John 18:38

ed [as did the managers I worked for said]

Pilate turned his back on truth,and on him who is the truth.It remained to be seen that tolerance of truth and error in a stroke of broadmindedness leads to intolerance and persecution.

"What is Truth??" when sneered,

is followed up with the second sneer,

"What is justice"

Broadmindedness, when it means indifference to right and wrong, eventually ends in a hatred of what is right. He who was so tolerant of error as to deny an Absolute Truth was the one who would crucify Truth.
When Jesus said that everyone that is of the truth would hear his voice, He enunciated the law that truth assimilates all that is congenial to itself.
Pilate was one of those who believed that truth was not objective but subjective, that each man determined for himself what was to be true.
Pilate asked the question, "What is truth" of the only person in the world who could answer it in all its fullness.

The right direction leads not only to peace but to knowledge.

When a man is getting better, he understands more and more clearly the evil that is still left in him.

When a man is getting worse,
he understands his own badness
less and less.

A moderately bad man knows
he is not very good.

A thoroughly bad man
thinks he is all right.

This is common since, really. You understand sleep when you are awake, not while you are sleeping. You can see mistakes in arithmetic when your mind is working properly; while you are making them you cannot see them. You can understand the nature of drunkenness when you are sober, not when you are drunk.

Good people know about both
good and evil.

Bad people do not know
about either.!!!

Bad men all hate light and avoid it, for fear their practices would be shown up. The honest man comes to the light so that it may be clearly seen that God is in all he does.
John 3:20-21

What Happened?? In School we were being trained to be the guys in White Hats. Upon graduation, we were scattered to the winds across a sad, sick culture lumpy with tumors. It was intended that we pitch our tents in strange lands radiate them good vibrations, and rise and shine again.
And it's 1990, and we're all residing in some obscene Yuppie Nightmare somewhere or other, and doing some sort of Clark Kent shuffle at some sort of Daily Planet, and we're porking Lois Lane like a champion
(or we ain't porking nuthin), and all the time getting these intense visions, these surges of energy, these surprising symphonies of Pan-pipes and windsong blasting in from around a corner without warning. . and we're starting to give second glances to the phone booths and janitor's closets we pass . . . like maybe the Truth is just right inside that door throbbing raw and wild like a primordial Mayday . . . like somewhere behind the mops and ammonia jugs lies our Destiny, our real selves .
. . . like maybe the Clark-trip is just a smokey-comic charade.

Perhaps we're the new generation of Illustrious Grand Shinolas. Healers and prophets. Merrymakers and magicians. Dancers and poets. Missionaries with a New Mission: you know--like plant a whopping karmic schlong deep up the pooper of the Yuppy Horror show and really scramble its creepy dignity and pride.

From page 4

"An organization whose value system spins around negatives will find the group spitting into the wind rather than with it.

What's Good is Bad ;
What's Bad is Good.

Whoever does the Most
does the Worst.

Whoever does the Least
does the Best.

A Dutch-Reformed Prayer:

"Oh God, make me a Normal Church going twentieth century man/woman".

Thanks to the above psychology what this means is increasingly:

"Make me a minx, a moron, and a parasite."

Or I'm as good as you.

The first and most obvious advantage of this is that you induce the worker to enthrone at the centre of his life a good solid resounding lie. I don't mean merely that this statement is false in fact, that he is no more equal to everyone. I mean he does not believe it himself. No person who says I'm as good as you believes it.

The claim to equality, outside the strictly political field, is made only by those who feel themselves to be in some way inferior. What it expresses is precisely the itching, smarting, writhing awareness of an inferiority which a person refuses to accept. And therefore resents. Yes, and therefore resents every kind of superiority in others; denigrates it; wishes its annihilation. Presently he suspects every mere difference of being a claim to superiority. No one must be different from himself in voice, clothes, manners, recreations, choice of food.

Now this phenomenon is in itself by no means new. Under the name of Envy it has been known to people for thousands of years. But it was always regarded as the most odious, and also the most comical, of vices.

The tenth commandment:

"Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor anything that is thy neighbor's."

The Tenth commandment strikes at the very root of all sins, prohibiting the selfish desire, from which springs the sinful desire for that which belongs to another will not be guilty of an act of wrong toward his fellow creatures.

The twist that this management put into it made it respectable.

Fault finding was encouraged and rewarded.

Under the influence of:

"I'm as good as you"

those who are in any or every way inferior can labour more whole heartedly and successfully than ever before to pull down everyone else to their own level. Under the same influence, those who have talents actually draw back from using them for fear of not fitting in, or being
"A Good Old Boy".

Meanwhile, the few who don't hide their skills or talents, tend to become in reality the prigs and cranks which the rabble would in any case have believed them to be.
For Suspicion Often Creates What It Suspects.
Since whatever is done the co-workers or neighbors are going to think otherwise. We might as well be hanged for a sheep as a lamb, or a goat, and become one in reality.

This overall movement towards the discrediting, and finally the elimination, of every kind of human excellence-moral, cultural, social, or intellectual is written of in the book "Atlas Shrugged" by Ann Rand.

There was once a Greek Dictator who sent an envoy to another Dictator to ask his advice about the principles of government. The second Dictator led the envoy into a field of grain, and there he snicked off with his cane the top of every stalk that rose an inch or so above the general level. The moral was plain. Allow no preeminence among your subjects. Let no man live who is wiser or better or more famous or even handsomer than the mass. Cut them all down to a level: all slaves, all ciphers, all nobodies. All equals.

At this company the little stalks will now of themselves bit the tops off the big ones. The big ones are also encouraged to bite off their own in their desire to Be Like Everyone Else.

The basic principle is that the dunces and idlers must not be made to feel inferior to the intelligent and industrious co-workers. The differences between co-workers unless they are exploitable must be disguised. Because everyone gets the same merit raises, regardless of their contribution. All incentives to produce and all penalties for not producing are eliminated.
The few who might want to contribute will be prevented; who are they to over shadow their co-workers?

Besides management is far too busy reassuring the Dunces & False Witnesses and patting them on the back to waste any time really doing something constructive. And what if they make the wrong decision??
In the diabolical sense the "I'm as good as you" or the Good Old Boys Club is a fine instrument for extirpating good employees.

For this management style creates a company mainly of subliterates, full of the cocksureness which flattery breeds on ignorance, and quick to snarl or whimper at the first hint of criticism.

The Dutch Reformed religion in Holland MI. and this company both had in common their self-righteousness and the almost infinite distance between their actual outlook on anything God really commands. Omission of the ten commandments if the situation deemed necessary.

The wickedness was really live doctrine in the day-to-day psychology of each; slander was its gospel and denigration its litany.


Because of my idealism, when Low-Life-L-mers told me that good people didn't work there, I quite frankly did not grasp the full meaning of that inuendo.

But after working there it became glaringly obvious. I have come to conclude that that this type of evil is very real.

There really are people and institutions made up of people, who respond with hatred in the presence of goodness;

and would destroy the good inso far as it is in their power to do so.

They do this with conscious malice or blindly, lacking awareness of their own evil;
and seeking to avoid any such awareness.

As has been described of the devil in religious literature,

"They hate the light and instinctively will do anything to avoid it, including attempting to extinguish it".

They will destroy the light
in their own children
and in all other beings subject to their power.

Evil people hate the light because it reveals
themselves to themselves.

They hate goodness
because it reveals
their badness;

They hate love,
because it reveals
their selfishness.

They will destroy the light, the goodness, the love in order to avoid the pain of such self-awareness.

Truly evil people actively rather than passively avoid extending themselves.
They will take any action in their power to protect their own image;

To preserve the integrity of their sick self. Rather than helping others, they will actually destroy others in this cause. If necessary, they will even kill to escape the pain of their own spiritual growth. As the integrity of their sick self is threatened by the spiritual health of those around them; they will seek by all manner of means to crush and demolish the spiritual health that may exist near them.

This evil can be the exercise of political power, the imposition of one's will upon others by overt or covert coercion; in order to avoid spiritual growth.

It is natural for evil
to hate goodness
as it is for goodness
to hate evil.

I have witnessed evil in action, viciously attacking and effectively destroying the spirits and minds of many people.

But evil backfires
in the larger social picture.

Unwittingly, evil serves as a beacon!!!

To warn others away from its own shoals.

Most of us have been graced by an almost instinctive
sense of horror at the outrageousness of evil.

When we recognize its presence, our own personalities are honed by the awareness of its existence. Our consciousness of it is a signal to purify ourselves.

It was evil,
that raised
Christ to the cross.

Our personal involvement in the fight against evil in this world is one of the ways we grow.

" Few are willing to brave the disapproval of their fellows, the censure of their colleagues, the wrath of their society.
Moral courage is a rarer commodity than bravery in battle or great intelligence. Yet it is the one essential, vital quality for those who seek to change a word that yields most painfully to change. And I believe that in this generation those with the courage to enter the moral conflict will find themselves with companions in every corner of the globe."

[Robert F. Kennedy]

Live in harmony with your time. Tastes change, and it is wise to conform to them, even though you may not approve. Against the many, your lone vote is of no avail; but as part of the crowd you may be able to make your influence felt.
Each generation must solve its own problems. Elders cannot control the destiny of their children. It is better for them to try understanding youth than to oppose its novel ways.

Virtue alone is unaffected by changing times.

To speak the truth and keep a promise was as modern in biblical times as it is today.. Also as rare.

Psalm 49:4
" I will open
my dark saying
upon the harp."

Psalm 18:28 " For thou wilt light my candle,
The Lord my God
will enlighten my Darkness"

Yes A.G. there really are Companies where "Good People don't work here. And the Churches they attend support and hide their Wickedness........

[1] Journey Through DARKNESS
A Hermit's Thesis
[1] Journey Through DARKNESS
A Hermit's Thesis
[1] Journey Through DARKNESS
A Hermit's Thesis
[1] Journey Through DARKNESS
A Hermit's Thesis
[1] Journey Through DARKNESS
A Hermit's Thesis
[1] Journey Through DARKNESS
A Hermit's Thesis
[1] Journey Through DARKNESS
A Hermit's Thesis
[1] Journey Through DARKNESS
A Hermit's Thesis
[1] Journey Through DARKNESS
A Hermit's Thesis
[1] Journey Through DARKNESS
A Hermit's Thesis
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [1] Journey Through DARKNESS
A Hermit's Thesis
