Friday, September 26, 2008

How the Daughter of PHARAOH Seduced SOLOMON

Tell Me A Lie - Griffin House

Pharaoh's daughter who was the wife of Solomon is a figure in Hebrew scriptures who married the king of the United Monarchy of Israel to cement a political alliance with Egypt. Out of his vast harem, she is the only wife singled out, although she is not given a name in the texts. Her influence on Solomon is seen as the downfall of his greatness.

64. How the Daughter of PHARAOH Seduced SOLOMON
And then the daughter of PHARAOH appeared before SOLOMON, and said unto him, "It is good to worship the gods like my father and all the kings of EGYPT who were before my father." And SOLOMON answered and said unto her, "They call gods the things which have been made by the hands of the worker in metal, and the carpenter, and the potter, and the painter, and the hewer in stone, and the sculptor; these are not gods, but the work of the hand of man, in gold, and silver, in brass and lead, in iron and earthenware, and in stone, and ye call 'our gods' the things that are not your gods. But we worship none else than the Holy God of ISRAEL and our Lady, the holy and heavenly ZION, the Tabernacle of the Law of God, whom He hath given us to worship, us and our seed after us."

And she answered and said unto him, "Thy son hath carried away thy Lady ZION, thy son whom thou hast begotten, who springeth from an alien people into which God hath not commanded you to marry, that is to say, from an ETHIOPIAN woman, who is not of thy colour, and is not akin to thy country, and who is, moreover, black." And SOLOMON answered and said unto her, "Though thou speakest thus art thou not thyself of [that race] concerning which God hath not commanded us that we should take wives from it? And thy kin is her kin, for ye are all the children of HAM. And God, having destroyed of the seed of HAM seven kings, hath made us to inherit this city, that we and our seed after us may dwell therein for ever. And as concerning ZION, the will of God hath been performed, and He hath given her unto them so that they may worship her. And as for me, I will neither sacrifice to nor worship thine idols, and I will not perform thy wish."

p. 103

And though she spake in this wise unto him, and though she shewed herself gracious unto him evening and morning, and night and day, he continued to refuse her [request]. And one day she beautified and scented herself for him, and she behaved herself haughtily towards him, and treated him disdainfully. And he said unto her, "What shall I do? Thou hast made thy face evil towards me, and thy regard towards me is not as it was formerly, and thy beautiful form is not as enticing as usual. Ask me, and I will give thee whatsoever thou wishest, and I will perform it for thee, so that thou mayest make thy face (or, attitude) gracious towards me as formerly"; but she held her peace and answered him never a word. And he repeated to her the words that he would do whatsoever she wished, and she said unto him, "Swear to me by the God of ISRAEL that thou wilt not play me false." And he swore to her that he would give her whatsoever she asked for, and that he would do for her everything that she told him. And she tied a scarlet thread on the middle of the door of [the house of] her gods, and she brought three locusts and set them in the house of her gods. And she said unto SOLOMON, "Come to me without breaking the scarlet thread, bend thyself and kill these locusts before me and pull out their necks"; and he did so. And she said unto him, "I will henceforward do thy will, for thou hast sacrificed to my gods and hast worshipped them." Now he had done thus because of his oath, so that he might not break his oath which she had made him to swear, even though he knew that it was an offence (or, sin) to enter into the house of her gods.

Now God had commanded the children of ISRAEL, saying, "Ye shall not marry strange women that ye may not be corrupted by them through their gods, and through the wickedness of their works and the sweetness of their voices; for they make soft the hearts of simple young men by the sweetness of their gentle voices, and p. 104 by the beauty of their forms they destroy the wisdom of the foolish man." Who was wiser than SOLOMON? yet he was seduced by a woman. Who was more righteous than DAVID? yet he was seduced by a woman. Who was stronger than SAMSON? yet he was seduced by a woman. Who was handsomer than ’AMNÔN? yet he was seduced by TAMAR the daughter of DAVID his father. And ADAM was the first creation of God, yet he was seduced by EVE his wife. And through that seduction death was created for every created thing. And this seduction of men by women was caused by EVE, for we are all the children of EVE.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

sometimes i think of U

strange power

madonna who

R U Horney

Hi! Kilroy here, from Las Vegas. In spite of my gender, which is admittedly not female, Miss Model Behavior has been kind enough to let me write a guest piece for this blog. I can offer an party perspective on the mating game.

Dancing girl, humping dog - Young girl ignorant to her dog's horny ...Young girl ignorant to her dog's horny behavior. Know anything about this? ... Guy builds machine so that his dog can fetch his own ball ... - 33k - Cached - Similar pages

What it is: aromatherapy for your dog. Our organic essential oil hypersexuality blend is for that horny dog of yours. This blend can help him stop that annoying humping behavior with essential oils that really work!

What's in it? our Me So Horny blend use organic sweet almond oil blended with essential oils of sweet marjoram, lavender, and lemongrass.

First off, I want to sincerely apologize for the atrocious behavior of my horn -dog brethren. We're rogues and scoundrels, and frankly I wouldn't trust any of us. On the other hand, there is some individual variation between males, and I wouldn't want to be judged based solely on my gender. Yes, men and women are statistically different, based on our different evolutionary agendas, but the closer you look at us the more you see we are really the same. Deep down, we all just want meaning, self-esteem and tenderness in our lives.

Our differences are programmed by biology and have to do with the fact that women have only a handful of reproductive opportunities in their lifetime while men have a gazillion. Both men and women have a reproductive stake in long-term bonding because this is the only way to assure the survival of our slow-maturing and resource-intensive offspring. The male, however, also has the alternate strategy of sowing his wild oats far and wide without bothering with the consequences – raping and pillaging as it were. If he loves 'em and leaves 'em, there's still a decent chance his spawn will reach maturity, so if an opportunity arises, the male and his genes lose nothing by giving it a shot.

Females, on the other hand, have every evolutionary incentive to be choosy. They want their man to prove himself, bring them gifts and jump through some flaming hoops to demonstrate both his fidelity and his ability to provide. Women must be fickle and perhaps a little trigger-happy to avoid admitting a low-quality sperm donor who can't go the distance.

None of us are imprisoned by our biology, especially in the age of contraception, but it certainly effects our emotions. These differences, of course, lead to misunderstandings. The male doesn't comprehend why he should have to jump through hoops for what seems to him the uncomplicated pleasure of sex. If the lady is physically "hot" (i.e prime for reproduction), he's probably going to want to bed her, no questions asked. The female has a much broader and more nebulous notion of hotness which is linked to more than just appearance.

The delusion of both men and women is to think that the other exists "for me" to an extent that isn't really possible. Women repeatedly ask, "Why are men such assholes?" while men ask the same about women. The core problem is unrealistic expectations on both sides. We are all basically narcissists, or at least we start out that way. We'll jump through whatever hoops are necessary to get the relationship started, but that doesn't mean we have attained the maturity to sustain it in the long term.

When I watch men try to pick up women, it reminds me of dogs chasing cars. Dogs chase cars because that's what they're programmed to do, but this doesn't mean they know what to do with the car once they've caught it. Frankly, women aren't much different: They'll be choosy and set up hoops for the man to jump through, but once the conditions are met and they have him in their arms, what do they do next? Both men and women are generally clueless at that point.

This is where men and women become the same. Once you have sex out of the way, how do two essentially genderless minds get along with each other in close quarters? This is really an existential problem rather than a gender issue. Gay couples face the same challenge and are no more successful in resolving it. Only in romantic relationships do you get so close and are expected to share so much. Romance dissolves the standard physical, emotional and economic boundaries between individuals, but what new boundaries are you going to replace them with?

Ok, so it's funny. But it's also a problem since the cat is a 2-month old kitten.

The short version of the story is that the dog is a 3-month-old Maltese and the kitten is a 2-month-old Himalayan. I got the kitten so soon after getting the dog to ensure that they'd get along. The first day the kitten was as terrified of Harry as he was of Fiona (hey, the girlfriend gets to pick the names) but they soon began to get along just fine and they sleep together and play together.

I was worried that the kitten would hurt Harry with its claws but they play very gently and walk around side by side. But yesterday we saw a side of Harry we'd never seen before when he began to hump the kitten. Besides being more than a bit surprised at seeing a puppy do this I'm concerned with for the safety of both of them, as the kitten is quite small yet also is pretty strong-willed and quick with the claw.

Besides scolding Harry every time we catch him I'm wondering what else there is to do. Is neutering the only real option? I know it won't guarantee he'll stop but I'd not wanted to face that decision (whether or not to neuter your dog) for a long time.

Anyone else have a horny dog problem and found a solution?

In the morning after your first night together, you have to come up with a whole new regulatory system, which most people just aren't prepared for. If you are lucky, you might have seen your parents interact successfully over an extended period, but for the most part it's a brave new world for all of us. Now that we've merged our bodily fluids and are crying on each other's shoulder, how do we define the differences between me and you? How do we make effective use of each other and avoid stepping on each other's toes? Sex is nice at first, but it's going to get routine really fast. How do we justify our relationship on other terms?

In other words, what do you do with the car after you've caught it?

Sadly, the most common way to justify a relationship is to create unnecessary drama within it. Once sex has been thoroughly explored and the relationship starts feeling routine, that's when one party or the other is likely to concoct a conflict. This could be someone going out and having an affair or just staying home and starting to complain. This isn't usually a conscious process, but in an emotional way the person is thinking, "Things are getting boring and meaningless here, so I've got to shake them up." Once stability is disrupted, then at least you have something to fight about and the relationship appears to have substance again.

Women think it's a man problem, and men think it's a woman problem, but really it's a human problem of not knowing what to do with intimacy once you have it.